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Minecraft 79 articles
  • Minecraft Game of the Decade - Minecraft

    You have probably heard of a game called Minecraft in your lifetime, unless you live under a rock. Minecraft is a game where you spawn in a world of blocks and creatures and you can build whatever you want. There are two basic modes which are survival and creative. In survival, you try and survive b...

  • Minecraft Minecraft: How to make your server public(Windows - easiest method)

    I have been playing Minecraft on and off now for a few years now and I have always wanted to make my own server in order to connect with my friends, even if we are not in the same house. I dont know why Minecraft makes it so difficult to make your very own server, but it is what it is. So to make th...

  • Minecraft Minecraft: Game of the Generation

    Minecraft is one of the most sustainable games I have played for a couple of reasons. The world is huge and has depths like the Nether and ender dragons. Its possibilities are quite versatile because of the amount of creativity it engenders through the variety of building materials and tools. There...

  • Minecraft Everyone's Favorite Game

    Minecraft is a single/multiplayer game that is based off a world of blocks where you build virtually anything you desire. It has two game modes, creative and survival. In creative, there are no lives or hunger, and you have all the blocks and tools available to use. This mode engenders more creativi...

  • Minecraft A revolutionary: Minecraft

    Minecraft is one of the most popular games ever created for multiple reasons. Its creative concept appeals to people of all ages, it has many details that are unique to Minecraft, and most importantly, it incorporates multiplayer very productuvely through either game servers or just playing with fri...

  • Minecraft Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition Review

    The good: *Lots to do *Nearly everything is customizable *Can be whatever you want *Good controls, music and sounds The bad: *Not a lot of in game info Summary: Minecraft, the block building game that is ever so popular. Im here to tell you about this game, is it worth buying? Lets begin shall we? W...

  • Minecraft Minecraft is a great game for all ages

    Minecraft isnt just some dead game that nobody likes. Its a spectacle, a game that shined throughout the ages. What makes Minecraft such a good game? Well, you can exercise all of your creativity through the game, and complete mental and physical goals as you reach to complete the game. What is comp...

  • Minecraft Helping tips for the noobs and wanna be builders : 2 in 1 guide.

    Surviving the first night. Step one, as soon as you load into the world you need to be ready to start gathering resources. There is no time for sight seeing. Step two, Punch a tree. Preferably punch down 3 small to medium sized trees. Step three, make a crafting table. Press E on your key board and...


    Minecraft is a game for all th ages.If you have a good imagination and you love to create, this game is made for you.In minecraft you can create wath you want to do everywhere and every time.If you have the mobile, Xbox, ps4 or the windows 10 edition you can play with all your friend than have it.If...

  • Minecraft The future of the education ; Minecraft !

    HOW I USE IT I teach in Game Design and Development and have grown to really love Minecraft as a game design engine. Minecraft is a sandbox game, meaning that students are limited only by their imagination. I have seen educators use Minecraft in every content area. In my class, kids recreate fairy t...

  • Minecraft Minecraft is it dead?

    Minecraft was one of the most popular games back 4 years, and many of the old players have moved away, and grow out of it, but many stayed. So I think that Minecraft is not a dead game because if you look on youtube there are still thousands of videos being uploaded to youtube each day about Minecra...

  • Minecraft My Review of Minecraft

    Minecraft is great because you can build anything you want and play with friends and Minecraft gets a lot of updates. Every time it adds more new stuff to mess around with. The game has achievements and has a game on the PC, console, and other devices. My only problem with Minecraft is that you can...

  • Minecraft The Many Things to do in Minecraft [Playing with Friends!]

    There are infinite possibilities when it comes to playing Minecraft. One of those is to play with friends! Whether its on LAN (Local-Area Network), your own server, or someone elses. The LAN feature in Minecraft allows you to set up a world where people can join in a certain area around your compute...

  • Minecraft How to Minecraft Singleplayer!

    When you first get minecraft you see theres Tabs Singleplayer Multiplayer Realms if you would like to when you first get in Minecraft go to survival and learn the basics first when you get in go find trees then once you get wood put in in the crafting inventory and shift click the wood planks then y...

  • Minecraft Minecraft: Is it worth the money?

    Minecraft has been seen as the one and only "creative game" on the market for many years, but is this creatively driven game really worth 27 US dollars? In this review I will be going over the single player, multiplayer, and modded aspects of the game. I will also be giving a general opinion on the...
