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Game list
  • ARMA III (B2P) Arma III Part 6 Game

    While it smoulders rather than sparks, Survive concludes strongly and the momentum is carried over into Adapt, definitely the best of the three chapters. This introduces Altis, a masterwork of environmental design. I could write another 1000 words on its remarkable sights and sounds: its misty dawns...

  • ARMA III (B2P) Arma III Part 5 Game

    Its the dead of night on the CSAT-occupied island of Stratis, and the peaceful darkness is about to explode into chaos. Im leading one of two spec-ops teams on a mission to liberate the leader of a local guerrilla faction and return him to the much larger island of Altis. A British squad is in charg...

  • ARMA III (B2P) Arma III Part 4 Game

    The two new heavy lifters are much more interesting. Blufor’s new CH-67 Huron is a pretty standard take on the dual-rotor Chinook, but the cockpit interior is gorgeous and it can carry two full weapons squads and a fully loaded jeep anywhere on the map. Opfor’s new Mi-290 Taru is my favorite additio...

  • ARMA III (B2P) Arma III Part 3 Game

    The other new mechanic is “slingloading”—suspending heavy loads beneath a chopper—which has actually been available as a community-made mod for some time now. The official version is much smoother, though, with nicely animated rigging ropes and fluid-body physics allowing crates to swing up and out...

  • ARMA III (B2P) Arma III Part 2 Game

    Pitching yaw Now the training wheels have come off, and the helicopter is a multi-ton hunk of metal desperate to convince itself it’s a bird. The advanced flight model physics are no longer interested in friendly compromise. A mouse and keyboard control scheme is ineffective at dealing with the minu...

  • ARMA III (B2P) Arma III Part 1 Game

    On the following pages were going to have a close look at how ArmA 3 performs in combination with different graphics cards. For that purpose were testing the three different resolutios 1080p, 1440p as well as 2160p at ultra settings. The goal of this article is to tell you which is the most suitable...

  • Guild Wars 2 Guild Wars 2: Part 4

    There’s another bummer that I have to point out, that is the lack of quality, group events. In Heart of Thorns, players could team up in massive groups and take on large open-world bosses. The act itself was fun and exciting and really hit home a sense of comradery and made the game feel alive. Sadl...

  • Guild Wars 2 Guild Wars 2: Part 4

    There’s another bummer that I have to point out, that is the lack of quality, group events. In Heart of Thorns, players could team up in massive groups and take on large open-world bosses. The act itself was fun and exciting and really hit home a sense of comradery and made the game feel alive. Sadl...

  • Guild Wars 2 Guild Wars 2: Part 3

    Path of Fire introduces five new mounts as part of the mastery system that can be used anywhere in the game, not just the new area of the Crystal Desert or vice versa. So unlike World of Warcraft that presents a new zone with an expansion, yet locks you out from using your hard earned mounts, ArenaN...

  • Guild Wars 2 Guild Wars 2: Part 2

    The Crystal Desert is made up of five “zones or maps” that are all as unique, as they are beautiful. During my time exploring each area and questing, I literally took the time to just look around at the stunning visuals. Crystal Oasis, which is a densely populated desert city and is located near the...

  • Guild Wars 2 Guild Wars 2: Part 1

    Originally released on August 28, 2012, Guild Wars 2 has since enjoyed a strong, loyal following. They followed up that release with Heart of Thorns, the game’s first expansion, October 23, 2015, some 3 years after the game’s release. For an MMO game, that may seem like an eternity, but ArenaNet, li...

  • SAO's Legend The Game that Plays Itself

    I was playing SAOs legend in order to complete some quests and I was pleasantly surprised when I had to do virtually nothing at all. SAOs Legend is basically based off an anime and is a free to play MMORPG browser game by sword art online. You complete quests by defeating and battling monsters and t...

  • Roblox Roblox versus Minecraft

    Many people may compare Roblox to Minecraft, however My view on this topic is that these to games are incompatible to be compared because of how differently they are structured. Minecraft is revolved around increasing the quality of their universe and adding more to it, Roblox is not a universe, it...

  • Roblox Roblox: Basic Information

    Roblox is among the most popular games among kids. It gets compared often times to Minecraft which is very peculiar I believe, because Minecraft is way more refined, as Roblox is just a hub of games. Roblox has so many user created games that it is annoying how much baggage of bad games there are. H...

  • Minecraft Minecraft: Game of the Generation

    Minecraft is one of the most sustainable games I have played for a couple of reasons. The world is huge and has depths like the Nether and ender dragons. Its possibilities are quite versatile because of the amount of creativity it engenders through the variety of building materials and tools. There...
