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Game list
  • The Last Of Us Review And Rating

    Hey guys!The Legendary Vegetable is back.This time its hitting you guys with the most popular, anticipated and amazing game ever....THE LAST OF US!I will be going over some amazing things that I like and giving it a rating based off how many people like it, how fun it is, what my opinion is and the...

  • Rust (B2P) How to be good at PVP and tips and tricks.

    Rust is a game all about PVP or get thing the way to get good is going on server like combat tags batterfides and just play the game on high pop servers and try play with a friend or friends and watch some pro when the are play that will help you and always try to to go in open fields get cover and...

  • Rocket League (B2P) Should you buy Rocket League?

    Rocket League is one of the most unique games available for purchase. It is the only game which merges racing and football (or soccer), making it so unusual it becomes addicting. Rocket League has an all time peak of 102,684 players in-game at once, making it a really active game. The game costs $14...

  • Super Smash Flash 2 - McLeodGaming

    Hey everyone, its time for a game that is a fan-made version of Super Smash Bros. on PC, yet very addicting! And yes, its in the Title, Super Smash Flash 2, or just SSF2. This tutorial will help you get used to fighting in the arena, and possibly have friends interested in playing with you. Everythi...

  • CSGO Prime (B2P) Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO)

    Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is an action-packed, strategically guided first person shooter. With modes like Arms Race, Deathmatch, Demolition, and Competitive, there is always something to do. No matter what age, skill level or experience, CS:GO promises a good time. Almost everything purchasab...

  • Roblox ROBLOX, A Website Where Anyone Can Create Games and Play With Their Friends.

    I love building and playing games on ROBLOX. Ive been playing ROBLOX for almost 7 years. It is one of my favorite websites to use for gaming. I build and play with my gamer friends. There are thousands of unique and fun games for anyone to play. Ive met friends on ROBLOX and built awesome places whe...

  • Minecraft How to Minecraft Singleplayer!

    When you first get minecraft you see theres Tabs Singleplayer Multiplayer Realms if you would like to when you first get in Minecraft go to survival and learn the basics first when you get in go find trees then once you get wood put in in the crafting inventory and shift click the wood planks then y...

  • S.K.I.L.L. - Special Force 2 S.K.I.L.L - Special Force 2 Review

    Hello, so I am going to write a review today on the game S.K.I.L.L -Special force, This game is by far one of the best shooter games out of all of all the first person shooting games out there, I think at-least. I did enjoy playing the game, it was fun, I love shooting games, so it was not bad, a-lo...

  • Rail Nation Rail Nation: The Battle for Europe

    The fight is on! Rail Nations Battle over Europe is really addicting, in the sense that you must compete against many other players/cooperatives to take dominance over an entire continent. And you must do it, on a set of 2 rails. You control what happens in your cooperative, so dont screw yourself u...

  • Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege (B2P) Rainbow Six Siege Operator Guide

    Rainbow Six Siege is a game where you play as an operator and take down the enemy team, I got this game on Xbox some time back and got pretty good at it, but in the game you buy operators which becomes more expensive the more you buy them so I decided to help you decide who your going to get. The ch...

  • TERA Online Tera Online Review - xFlawz

    Pretty good. Has a lot of content and a huge category of side quests to fill time. Story line is amazing along with in game content. In addition, it isnt a pay to win so provides fair game play. Super fun with friends and cool art work. I like Tera because it knows exactly what it is and doesn’t was...

  • Minecraft Minecraft: Is it worth the money?

    Minecraft has been seen as the one and only "creative game" on the market for many years, but is this creatively driven game really worth 27 US dollars? In this review I will be going over the single player, multiplayer, and modded aspects of the game. I will also be giving a general opinion on the...

  • Unturned Unturned: Is It Worth the Time?

    Unturned: that block zombie survival game that everyone has mixed feelings about. It has millions of active players, but it it actually worth it? The simple answer is yes. Unturned has three main aspects: single player, workshop, and multiplayer Firstly: Single player. In single player, there are tw...

  • Garry's Mod (B2P) Garry's Mod: Is It Worth the Price?

    Garys Mod is one of the most popular games on the market, and there is a good reason why. From the all time peak of 75 thousand players playing at once, you can tell that this is a popular game. But did it earn its popularity? Garrys Mod $9.99 price tag is (personally) worth it, and here Ill tell yo...

  • World of Tanks How to get good at World of Tanks

    World at Tanks is your go to game for realistic tank warfare, but not everyone is good at it. Like any player, I too struggled to get on my feet in World of Tanks, but once you know the tactics and the reasons you are struggling, you will find it easy. In this guide, I will tell you three main thing...
