Cuisine Royale Brown Notes – What Are They For?

Cuisine Royale is one of the unsung heroes of the Battle Royale genre. This style of game is very much in vogue right now, with games such as Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds, Fortnite, and Apex Legends taking the limelight. However, Cuisine Royale has much to offer, despite being in open beta still. The developers love throwing in some surprises here and there, with players having to experiment to find out how different mechanics work. One such example is the Cuisine Royale brown notes that players started to find back in 2018. But what are they for?
Cuisine Royale Special Items
Cuisine Royale’s brown note isn’t the only unusual item in the game. In fact, the whole premise of the game was founded around making use of a variety of interesting objects. Many of these can be accessed using rituals, although there are several other items you can get without. This includes:
- Nimbus of dark pact. Reduces the amount of damage received from zone by70%.
- Bunny slippers of bounce. Increases your jump height by 3 times the normal amount.
- Knee pads of speed. Grants a sprint bonus of 40%, increases your base speed by 10% and lowers stamina cost by 80%.
- Eagle eye glasses. Increases your reload speed by 40%, and decreases your shot deviation by 40% and recoil by 50%
- IV bag of regeneration. Allows you to regenerate 0.7 hit points per second.
- Oxygen tank of hold breath. Increases your hold breath ability by 30% and decreases your stamina drain by 40%.
- Tough Cuban cigar. Increases your number of hit points by 1.
These are just some of the items that players have been able to find when playing Cuisine Royale.
Cuisine Royale Brown Notes
The brown note is a feature that was added to the game in 2018. Initially, some players were confused by what it meant and what its purpose was. In the typical tongue-in-cheek style that the creators have adopted, the brown note turns the game’s outhouses into teleporters. It’s a fun (and funny) feature that brings a new tactical element to the game.
There are a few important features that the brown notes have:
- They take you from the outhouse you select to a random outhouse inside the safe zone. As you can imagine, this can be a huge bonus if you’re stuck outside the safe zone and need to quickly get back in.
- Travel by this method is instant, meaning that there’s no delay between entering and arriving.
- When you arrive, you make a splashing sound in the outhouse. This alerts anyone who’s around you that you’ve arrived. You may find that players camp these spots and can kill you as soon as you arrive.
So, they’re a useful tool in a pinch, but they can be a double-edged sword. If someone is around, they’ll hear you coming and be able to prepare themselves.
How to Get Cuisine Royale Brown Notes
There are a couple of ways that you can get a brown note in Cuisine Royale. You’ll have to use the game’s signs – mystical seals that change the battle. There are many different signs that you can deploy in the game, including:
- Frag grenade. Spawns a frag grenade with a 3-second timer when someone comes close to the trap.
- Jump pad. Sets up a jump pad that throws whoever steps on it into the air.
- Swamp. Reduces the movement speed of anyone in the active area by 35%.
- River of life. Regenerates the health of anyone who’s in the active area of the symbol. Lasts for 40 seconds.
- Trembling hands. Increases the recoil of anyone in the area by 300%.
- Ritual of fast reload. Everyone in the battle has an increased reload speed for the next minute.
As you can see, there is a variety of signs that you can use in the game. Some apply to all players, while others are only applicable to those who are in the immediate area. Some give bonuses, while others have negative effects.
There are two signs that you can use to start a brown note playing:
- Catalyzed ritual of brown note. This starts a brown note that lasts for the next 30 seconds. You’ll have that amount of time to use a nearby outhouse.
- Ritual of brown note. Has the same effect as the above - starts a brown note that lasts for the next 30 seconds.
You’ll hear the brown note playing once a ritual is active. It’s a deep, low sound which can be hard to hear. You may want to increase your audio to be able to hear it.
Tactics for Using Cuisine Royale Brown Notes
As you can see, there are some benefits and drawbacks of using brown notes in the game. If you’re stuck far outside of the safe zone, you may only have the option of using an outhouse to teleport somewhere safe. Remember, you will make a sound when you arrive, which makes ambushing a very real threat.
However, there are some tactics that you can use to make brown notes a useful feature of the game. For example:
- Trick someone to following you to an outhouse after you have used a brown note. Just before you teleport, throw a grenade into the outhouse. When the other player follows you, the grenade will explode but you’ll be safely away.
- Enter the outhouse backwards. This means that you’ll exit the outhouse you teleport to facing forward. If there is an ambush waiting, you’ll not be at quite as much of a disadvantage.
Listen for other players using them. If you hear the sound playing, you’ll know that someone is about to teleport away from you. Similarly, if you hear a splash, someone has teleported close to you.
Cuisine Royale Brown Notes - Final Words
As we’ve seen, brown notes are just one of the many elements of the game that makes it so fun and chaotic. They’re very much a mixed blessing, and most players only use them as a last-ditch tactic. Either way, keep your wits about you as you toilet teleport!