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Ir a War Thunder
odra Newby
Publicaciones: 2
Fecha de uni贸n: 26.07.2020
Estado: Desconectado

War thunder verification and Crossout

30.07.2020, 21:59
Pleaseeeeeee, can I get a manual verification on this games....I'm tired of creating accounts and doing the registration and nothing is accepted. The first time i used chrome to register.......the second time i used edge......and please, don't give me the guidelines....because I know them....no adblocks, clicking on the link in the bananatic page to register/play/verify, etc....don't give me that text, PLEASE

First attempt replies

war thunder - https://imgur.com/qm9lP92
Crossout - https://imgur.com/nbR12dZ

Proof of second attempts, that are wainting for....being rejected :D
war thunder - https://imgur.com/I7oeqJL
crossout - https://imgur.com/qtO3px7

So...what in the well is missing? (don't give me the guidelines.......). I will not make a movie or use more photoshop/paint to try to prove my "registration"

- - Can i PLEASE have a MANUAL VERIFICATION, or something similiar? - -

Thanks for reading
Best Regards
Honesto1 Social Amable Vulgar Troll
RE: War thunder verification and Crossout - 09.08.2020, 13:31
DanalaDanazo Master
Publicaciones: 876
Fecha de uni贸n: 07.05.2017
Estado: Desconectado
Buenas, este tipo de peticiones debes hacerlas al soporte directamente y aportar las mismas pruebas que pasas aqui. Desde aqui yo no puedo hacer mucho y tendran que investigar que ha pasado y por que no se ha aceptado automaticamente. Un saludo.
Honesto1 Social2 Amable Vulgar Troll
RE: War thunder verification and Crossout - 14.08.2020, 01:08
odra Newby
Publicaciones: 2
Fecha de uni贸n: 26.07.2020
Estado: Desconectado
No worries, the situation has been talked and resolved in discord

Thanks anyway
Honesto Social Amable Vulgar Troll
RE: War thunder verification and Crossout - 26.08.2020, 03:18
natyblead89 Newby
Publicaciones: 1
Fecha de uni贸n: 23.08.2020
Estado: Desconectado
meee gusta como se ve el juego aunque aun no me registre jijii
Honesto Social Amable Vulgar Troll