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Forum 1100AD

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Welcome to the 1100AD Forum. Feel free to use this area to share tips, offer new ideas, make suggestions about more updates and improvements, troubleshoot and more...

Go back in time with 1100AD, the online browser game firmly rooted in a similar period to the middle ages. This makes it a game of mighty strategy that celebrates the medieval world like no game before. Starting out with almost nothing, you will take on the challenge of building a settlement to survive and - maybe - grow into a thriving city, or even empire, with yourself as Warrior King. How to get there? Theft, to start with, then online battle and then by your wits alone !

Glean experience via battle and tactics and apply your know-how to master new, revolutionary skills. Become more powerful for attack and defence purposes with better and greater resources (armies and fortifications) at your command. It's very much an engrossing and enthralling online strategy game.

You'll find 1100AD to be less graphically overblown, but much more of an epic, browser-based game of strategic know-how. Get ready to experience the tension and tumult of online conflict! Get ready to see what this forum holds by way of precious knowledge that may prove very useful!
