not receiving any banana points from cosmic league
Welcome to the Cosmic League Forum....
Released in December 2015, Cosmic League is an action combat MMO game developed and published by Cyberstep. The game is available online at the Cyberstep website and requires only a simple profile to log in and begin play.
The setting is in an anime-inspired shooter arena where players can choose to be either humans or robots. A sequel to cosmic break, players then battle a combination of humans and androids in the arena in a multiplayer mode. Players are given the option to choose between six different classes that offer a versatile approach to combat, from long range weapons to agile close quarter arms. Players learn to use and eventually master science fiction style weapons to dominate the battlefield.
Players are initiated in the arena by taking part in Rookie league matches that hone their skills. Once they master the basics, they can progress to 7 vs 7 player matches where you battle Prime League teams. As players gain experience, they can take part in the 10v10 Master League fights; and if they wish to take part in custom challenges in the Event league. Players can complete challenges to unlock new equipment and gain points. As the matches progress, the arena changes so that the players do not get too familiar and have a little advantage as far as the turf is concerned.
The Cosmic League forum allows players to build teams, find new members, and discover opponents and plan battle strategies and blueprints. The forum also allows users to recommend setting changes and updates.