How does it work?
BadDust Newby
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Date joined: 15.05.2016
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Awarded Bananas

05.02.2017, 13:45
Do bananas always get awarded the next day? Because one of the games gave me the reward the next day.
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RE: Awarded Bananas - 11.02.2017, 11:21
Keyomiqq Newby
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Yes, always on the next day!
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RE: Awarded Bananas - 27.04.2017, 16:41
BananaPie Leader
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Date joined: 19.04.2017
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BadDustDo bananas always get awarded the next day? Because one of the games gave me the reward the next day.
Most of the time, yes.
For game quests they tell you to wait up to 48 hours to receive your bananas, and you receive your bananas from the "Fun Zone" at the beginning of the next day (24 hour period).
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