How does it work?
Spartaman Newby
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Prizes waiting time?

11.07.2017, 05:48
How long does it normally take for a key to be generated and sent? Because I bought minecraft 3 days ago and still haven't recieved the key. btw am loving this site!!
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RE: Prizes waiting time? - 11.07.2017, 07:38
BananaPie Leader
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You can click on the little settings wheel in the top right corner of your screen and press the prizes button to see that status of your key. You can also see what the key is if you press the little magnifying glass (if there is one/if it has generated) to see the code. If this does not work please file a support ticket.

Hope this helps!
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RE: Prizes waiting time? - 11.07.2017, 21:34
tmhypes Newby
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Date joined: 11.07.2017
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it should of took under 48 hours cause thats what mine took
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RE: Prizes waiting time? - 13.07.2017, 16:56
sekrove Newby
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Date joined: 06.07.2017
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idk tbh
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