How does it work?
Karelias Newby
Posts: 3
Date joined: 18.08.2016
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What does experience do?

20.09.2016, 20:30
There is an experience tab under the Collect Bananas tab, but as far as I can tell, it doesn't do anything. Doesn't give me bananas when I level up, nothing. I'm probably wrong, which is why i'm asking. What does experience do?
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RE: What does experience do? - 21.09.2016, 10:50
MarvinKleinMusic Leader
Posts: 137
Date joined: 17.09.2016
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Hey Karelias,

Currently, the XP and level on bananatic does nothing. We are allready working on new features, for which the level is relevant.
Stay tuned!

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RE: What does experience do? - 12.10.2016, 17:11
GamerGuy11 Newby
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