Fortnite Battle Royale - The basics
Fortnite is a Battle Royale Game. I have been playing fortnite since season 7. The goal of the game is to be the last man standing, to get a Victory Royale. When you open it, you must choose: Battle Royale, Creative, Save the World. Battle royale is to play and the goal is to be the last man standing, to save the world by doing missions. You must purchase the "Save the world" mode, which has various types. For example Basic, Silver, and Gold. If you get the silver one, you will receive prizes, because its more expensive than the basic one. If you're buying Gold, you will get more prizes than the other ones, but it's more expensive. If you choose the Creative game mode, you can make your own creative island. You can play other people's maps, by pressing the E button, and insert the code of the map. If you choose battle royale, you will get into a lobby. There are game modes, for example: Solo, Duos, Squads. You can add your friends in Fortnite, and play with them. If you are by yourself, you can choose Duos or Squads, to play with random people, by choosing the 'Fill" button. There are more options to choose from, when you are in a battle royale lobby: Item shop, locker, battlepass. With battlepass, every tier you get you will receive a prize, but if you have the free pass you will receive prizes till tier 62. If you have the battlepass, you can receive prizes till tier 100. In the itemshop, you can buy emotes, skins, wraps, with V-Bucks. When you enter in a match, you will be in a bus. You must land somewhere, to get guns and heals. In the game, there are 9 heals in total: mini shields, cozy campfire, bandages, medkit, big shields, slurp juice, chug splash, chug jug. There are only 4 shotguns, in total: pump shotgun, tactical shotgun, combat shotguns and drum shotgun. In the previous seasons, there were more shotguns, but they got deleted. For example, the Double Barrel Shotgun.

To be the man last standing, you must get kills. To get kills, you must get weapons. A good weapon that everyone use, is the Combat Shotgun. Being honest, i don't use combat shotgun that much, i like shotgun pump more than the combat shotgun. In the game, there are a lot of guns. From afar, you can choose the AR gun, the AK gun, the SCAR gun. Every gun has a rarity. For example, most weapons that you will see are the basic. There are chances to get a rare gun, a epic gun, and a legendary gun, an uncommon gun. For example, the basic rarity gun has a 32 damage. The legendary gun, has a 40 damage, or less (depends on the gun). You cant find a basic rarity shotgun pump, only uncommon shotgun pump, and rare shotgun pump. The uncommon shotgun pump has a 90 damage, and the Blue pump has a 100 damage. The other shotguns, don t make that much damage, for example Combat. If you have a legendary shotgun combat, you will have a 80 damage, but its reloading faster than the shotgun pump. if you have a Drum shotgun, you can spam with it really much, but it has a 20 damage.

In Fortnite, you can edit walls, ramps, and cones. You can build using those. For example, First time playing fortnite, you will get the default settings, and the default keybinds. The default keybinds are: Z - wall, X - floor, C - Ramp, and V - cone and Y - traps, cozy campfire, launchpad. You can change the keybinds by entering in the settings. You can also communicate in fortnite, with your own microphone. You can talk with people by having Push to talk, or not. If you have the push to talk, you must press a keybind to talk, thats why is called like that. You can choose the keybinds by entering in settings. If you have the Push to talk on Off, you can just talk without pressing any keybind. If you edit an wall, you can do: A window, a door, 2 doors and so on. If you do a Ramp, you can choose the direction of it. If you press the M Button, you will be able to see the entire fortnite map. There are locations like : Salty Springs, Polar Peak, Loot Lake, Sunny Steps, Junk Junction, Snobby Shores, Frosty lights, Happy Hamlet and so on. In the previous seasons, there was old locations, for example Wailing woods, greasy groove etc. In the season 5, There was the Kevin Cube event. In season 7, there was the Ice Kingdom event. In season 4, there was the Meteor Event. In my opinion, fortnite is very fun to play, even if you are solo.