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Apex Legends
5.0 1 174 0


Want to play an FPS game but all the ones you play feel slow and don't have the mechanics you're looking for? Are they too boring and you want something more interesting, like abilities? Well Apex Legends is the game for that! At first I wasn't sure about swapping out Fortnite for Apex, but once I played my first few matches, I never looked back! Apex Legends was far much better pacing wise and felt even more competitive and took more strategy. It made me feel amazing winning on Apex. And there's so many different characters to choose from! Each with their own sets of abilities that grant them advantages over others. Not to mention, there's plenty of guns to choose from. The R99 is by far my favorite one! It's rapid, and is very rewarding for hitting all your shots. And the shotguns are so fantastic I take one with me every time I play for maximum fun. Wanna take FPS games to the next level? Play Apex! APEX IS SO DAMN GOOD TRUST. PLAY THIS GAMR AND FEEL THE RUSH OF POPPING OFF! YEAH!

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I love the R99! This rapid fire SMG is next level! so rewarding if you hit all your shots, but be careful, there's only 17 bullets without a mag attachment! People say the volt is better, but I don't care, it'll always be my favorite. I was so happy when they took it out of the care package, now I use it every match. I've practiced so much with it it's like a laser beam. Apex is so damn good man, if you don't play this game there's something wrong with you man. But another gun that outshines it with its laser beam like capabilities is the R301 carbine, this thing barely has any recoil and can melt through people's health like a hot knife through butter. I've grinded ranked so much I nearly hit masters, its definitely a game everyone needs to try and I hope someday I can be a pro at Apex. Although it does have some issues just like every game, I do feel ranked needs some improvements like more points for kills as its mainly about surviving to top 5 now and its as if kills don't matter, but other than that this game is good.

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Apex is incredible and deserves much love from FPS players.I love the R99! This rapid fire SMG is next level! so rewarding if you hit all your shots, but be careful, there's only 17 bullets without a mag attachment! People say the volt is better, but I don't care, it'll always be my favorite. I was so happy when they took it out of the care package, now I use it every match. I've practiced so much with it it's like a laser beam. Apex is so damn good man, if you don't play this game there's something wrong with you man. But another gun that outshines it with its laser beam like capabilities is the R301 carbine, this thing barely has any recoil and can melt through people's health like a hot knife through butter. I've grinded ranked so much I nearly hit masters, its definitely a game everyone needs to try and I hope someday I can be a pro at Apex. Although it does have some issues just like every game, I do feel ranked needs some improvements like more points for kills as its mainly about surviving to top 5 now and its as if kills don't matter, but other than that this game is good.

5.0 (1)
Author MrTaTa22
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