Another beta took place at the end of 2010. A third closed beta is scheduled for May-June 2011. Eventually, the game must pass under CryEngine 3, which was developed to better meet the expectations of MMORPG2. However, the use of CryEngine 3 would be limited to animations, physics and graphics,
networking and other miscellaneous subprogrammes would remain unchanged.

-Nuens get a bonus on their stats and can build things faster than other races.
-Elves hold their breaths longer under water and can swim faster.
-Dwarves, new breed
-Firrans (like cats) can fall from a very high level, taking less damage, and can also climb trees and ladders faster.
-Haranis have the ability to create more portals and to be able to fell trees and pick faster.
-The Chaotes, new breed
The world is separated into 3 continents:
Nuia to the west, cradle of the nuians, elves and dwarves
Haranya to the east, cradle of firrans, haranis and chaotes
Each race has a particular mount that you get very quickly in the game. It is possible to buy other mounts, as well as to get combat pets.

; making it the second largest transaction for a game exported from South Korea. Gigamedia, Taiwanese operator of a gaming portal,
was in 2007 entered the capital of the company before signing another contract on November 10, 2010 to obtain exclusive rights of exploitation of ArcheAge in other Chinese-speaking regions such as Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao4. In January 2013, buys exclusive rights in Russia,
and Trion Worlds for portage and exploitation in Europe and the United States.