Archeage: is not WOW but it deserves to be tried
A wait of almost 30 months due not only to the process of localization but also to the problems that the game had in the motherland: from the premise would have to break everything and become the new blockbuster, but the reality has wanted that in a very short time has had to completely review their plans, bending to free to play in record time. When this happens (Star Wars: The Old Republic I think you all remember) is a sign of general players' escape due to deep problems, that this long postponement would have to at least mitigate to offer us a massive run-in and ready for a memorable launch.

Going with order, already from the process of creation of the character you realize the attention to detail with which the title was made: the aesthetic characterization is one of the most complete that have ever been seen, although inexplicably (or rather, not it's for a Korean title) the shapes of the body can not be changed. There are four races, two per continent: Nuian and elves for Nuia, Firran and Harani for Haranya. These are characterized by human traits or elves, and therefore lack more particular races that are often found in Eastern titles (who knows TERA Popori knows what I mean). This is because the fantasy setting of ArcheAge wants the populations of both continents to have a common history of coexistence in harmony, broken by the events we are going to discover when venturing into the game world.
This choice, however, has to be counterbalanced by a very large number of classes: it is possible to mix the 10 basic skillset in groups of three for a total of 120 combinations available each with customizable skill trees. Of these the builds that are actually exploited by the players are about a third, divided into the usual trinity healer, tank and DPS. The variety is therefore very high and particularly appreciable is the fact that most of the combos allow to exploit different weapons, such as bow and sword.

However, this framework can not be defined complete without an adequate PvP sector, and even in this area the game does not disappoint: the world is open to clashes between players starting from the areas dedicated to those who have reached level 30, with goals dedicated to getting bones. Those who want to avoid the quarrels and devote themselves to PvE can still go to these regions when they are at peace (in addition to this there are five more degrees of protest) but this is equivalent to voluntarily excluding from much of what is the envelope of fun. Although in fact do not miss instanced arenas dedicated to the duels or the team fights 5 vs. 5 there is the entire third continent of Auroria, implemented with the first content update and open to both factions, then dedicated to large-scale skirmishes even with the possibility of building castles, attacked every three weeks with lots of machines death such as catapults and siege towers.
Basically the game offers all that set of features that make the difference for fans of clashes between players: a PvP not circumvented but adequately contextualized with lots of naval battles and guild wars. All this makes ArcheAge a MMORPG with exceptionally varied content, which makes it more belonging to the old school than to those more oriented to casual players.