ARMA III: The realistic military game
One of the best parts of ARMA 3 is the possibility to make planned raids on large areas, causing realistic, organized wars. On the other hand, you and your teammates can run into enemies unplanned, and with the sheer scale of the map, this is a low possibility. This random play style calls for impressively fun gameplay and enjoyable times.
Below is one of the maps (Stratis Map) on the game ARMA 3. It is the biggest map in the game.

My favorite thing about this game is that you can do almost anything military-based without any limitations. You can do a stealth raid on a town, or go in guns blazing, or even march in with tanks. This game allows players to simulate realistic situations and have a fun time doing it.
Along with the scale of the game, this game is a great (really great) simulation game. It accurately captures the scene of modern day battle while still managing to make it a never-ending fun time. This is one of the (if not the) best military simulation games, and I recommend you invest in it.

Overall, this game is great. Addicting, realistic, and massive, this ARMA 3 has it all, and I highly suggest buying it if you have the money. There are a variety of weapons, vehicles, maps, terrain, play styles, landmarks, and possibilities, making it one of the most unique game on the market. It is also extremely realistic and unbelievably large. This game is 100% worth its price tag.
Thank you for reading my review on ARMA 3, I hope it helped you decide whether this game is right for you to buy and try in the future.