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Zula a cool free competitive game

Zula is a online game that has a lot of content and some very good graphics even better than some game that you pay to play them the gameplay is very good almost no bugs cause they get fixed so fast so you don't have to worry about that i heard a lot of people that say that free games are full with bugs glitches and other things that can change the way that the game is directing to.
This game has a lot of potential updates and a lot of game modes that can be added.
The game has a lot of weapons and characters that you can chose from you can even play as a Russian Man from like 1980 or 1970 :) i think that this is very funny and at the same time very cool i really like when i hear russians speaking english with they accent its very funny i once tried to speak like a russian a hole day but it didn't even sound like i was so they have a pretty unique accent.
You can't customize your character yet but i hope they will add a customization possibility i really want to see a formal character with a russian hat :).
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Most of the peoples that see this game on youtube or in a sponsorised video say that is a "copy" from games like Counter Strike Global Offensive because of the gameplay but the maps are very different yea the gameplay is similar but the game is made by other developers that really struggle to make the game very popular and good at the same time without any game breaking bugs or glitches cause when you find them they are very anoying to find especially if its not helping you with nothing its just breaking all the match and the score that you managed to get and no one likes this cause it can change the direction that a match is heading too.
Every time the match is not the same is different every time you never get bored by playing it so its a pretty good i don't think you will want to download the game install it and then uninstall it just because you get bored.
This game is not pay to win you can win without buying any currency or spending money on buying guns or upgrade or things like that.
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I hope they will add skins like in CS:GO (Counter Strike Global Offensive) it will be a big update and it will be a good way for them to make money and yea i know its only aesthetic but i really like having skins in CS:GO and i hope they will add some in Zula too cause i really like to have a skin for every weapon that i use cause its makes me feel like a proffesional player and i really like this sentiment the best thing when there are skins in a game is to have a very expensive skin cause you feel like a rich person yea i know that skins don't affect skills and i saw on CS:GO some guys with skins that play like a new player or a noob how many of you may say but i really like the aesthetic part of the game too cause it makes it feels more unique i think that if they will add skins and they will promote the game a lot it will get a lot of new players.
The updates come every month and they are big enough to make the game feels more proffesional.
If you want to play the game remember that is free and you can always download it and try it !
5.0 (1)
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