My personal view on Big Farm LVL 160
Big Farm is a farming game that is mostly for older ages. Big farm is a farming game where you start with a small farm that someone has left for you. Big farm is really time consuming and is a underrated game. The game is designed to be played slowly and to progress slowly. Big farm is very pay to win game and a lot of the top players in big farm are people who spend a lot of money on the game. The game has different severs so u don’t have to worry about lagging. Big farm has a great community and in my opinion a great game to meet people. Big farm has a montly update and a bunch of events every year. Big farm is a very chill game to play and makes you lose time. I used to play big farm but I don’t play the game anymore. If you want to play a farming game you should definitely try out big farm. Big farm is made in Germany by a company named Goodgame Studios. Goodgame studios has great support and wil help and answer all your questions. Goodgame Studoos also have made some good games and big farm is definitely one of them.

Big farm has Coops and coop events. A coop is a group full of people that have to work together to reach great prizes in the coop events and much more events. Big farm has gifts you can receive from your friends and other people. Big farm is a family friendly game that you can play with family and friends. You can make a coop yourself or you can join a good coop. Bigfarm has a lot of ways to get in contact with people. It’s easy to get help playing the game since they have easy access forums and support. In big farm you can plant or you can buy animals to your farm. But there is always a market where you can sell or buy everything you need . Everything on the mark is sold by cash. Bigfarm has a tree that you can get in game currency from if you invite friends. The tree can give you 50 gold every day and much more in one day. The tree is something you should use if you want to grow your farm. I have been using this tree for long and I have made over 12000 gold on the tree. Like the tree there is a bunch of ways to get gold. If you have gold use it in an responsible way.

Big Farm is an amazing farming game and is probably inspired by a real farm or it’s inspired by another farming game. Big farm is not an different game there is a lot of similar farm games but big farm is now quite popular in my opinion. Big farm is growing a lot and if you want to find new people to be friends with I recommend big farm. Big farm is probably the best farming game in the world because of their nice community. Big farm is a big pay to win game so if you have a lot of money big farm is perfect. The game has a lot of cool things added like some nice decorations missions and a lot more. The game is really good but you have to be careful because there is people hacking. I have got my account hacked before. My favourite thing about big farm is that they have a very nice forum. The forum has a bunch of contest where you can win in game currency. They also have a bunch of groups where everyone can talk about stuff and get help easily without asking support. The forum has mods and they delete everything bad.