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Big Farm
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Thoughts on Big Farm, Level 55

I'd say Big Farm is a pretty good time-killer, if you have gone a long way. I've had this account for about 2 years, and well, if this were to go to people that haven't played this game, I recommend you play it. The amount of tasks to do, is challenging enough, especially with your money income and stuff. There are a lot of things to do, and harder if you are a F2P (Free-to-Play). In general, the amount of things to do, will probably get you playing for about 1 hour everyday, unless you get involved with a certain themed event or something, like the Big Farm World-Wide Championship, or the Shinkei-Suijaku School. Also, a note that will probably piss off a lot of players; you can only upgrade or demolish one object at a time. This is why it's harder for F2P players and not the gold spammers.
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In my thoughts, i just want to get cool decorations to make my farm popular to others, and more exotic. That's my goal, along with testing my luck with Mystery Boxes, Wheel of Fortune Events, and most importantly, the Santa Event, a Christmas-themed event, where you donate and work with your cooperative, to complete wishlists and get special decorations! Last year, I was able to understand the system, a little too late, when the event was almost over. Now that I was able to collect a bunch of new different items with new rarities, now I can streak up my decoration levels, and get a Level 9 Decoration maybe. I don't know, but I hope that 74 Special Wildflower Seeds is enough to at least lack up the Candle Meter, to Level 9. I cannot wait to help my cooperative and myself to these new decorations!
By playing this game you can get 100 Play
I pretty much love how there is a variety of ways to play. You can be the communicative, or go completely solo. You can compete in themed events, or aim for those achievements. You can make up new strategies to become an efficient farmer, but it all starts with what you do, from Level 1. You start off with low level fields, maybe a low amount of income, and variety, but as soon as you come up with strategies to increase your income, and maybe your rarity of different items, you can have more fun, and become really into it. Trust me, 2 years of playing this game, lets me compete in challenging new themed events, and Derbies in the Horse Ranch. Not to mention, the Happy Hour Login Bonuses, and the month-long exotic farms, to get your mouse clicking and your fingers typing "big farm" in the Google Search Bar. If you want to start playing this, talk to me first to get some easy tips and ideas on how to make your idea grow. Also, don't skip the Tutorial, it's worth reading. Anyway, if you need help, contact me, yeehaa15, send me an email, and I'll get to you as soon as possible. Thanks for reading!
5.0 (1)
Author lolbananaz15
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