call of war a strategy game
The goal of the game is first to manage its economy, which includes resources, buildings, etc.
then form a powerful army to bring salvation to millions of people, and of course destroy his adversaries.
The newspaper (World Herald) is the medium of all information and reports about what is happening on the game. It allows to give an idea on the constructions made by each country (just the first level of each), the summary of the battles and the damage done by the espionage or the capture of these, etc.
It also gives the units lost by each country (as well as groups of units), the production of battleships, bomber and nuclear missiles as well as their names. In addition, the log notifies the passage of a player in inactivity (but not vice versa),
the transfer of these inactive by the administrator of the game or the exclusion of a player by an operator of the game.

the historical world map (25 players), the Manche map (2 players) and finally the world map at war 1932 (100 players);
Team mode: A game can be started without a team, ie players are free to join or not with others or with two or three teams;
Elite Artificial Intelligence: The Elite AI is smarter and more aggressive than normal AI. In addition, statistics against elite AI are counted for rankings. However, choosing this option will make the game a gold game, that is,
to say that it takes 5000 Gold to participate or to be a member of the High Command;

If you enter a game with a choice of nation but you choose none and then immediately go out, you will be ejected from the game after 1 hour;
Truce Days: Sets the number of days, from the beginning of the game, during which an asset can not be attacked. This duration can go up to 14 days;
NPC Truce Days: Sets the number of days from the beginning of the game, during which AIs can not be attacked. This duration can go up to 14 days also;
Reinforcements: Possibility to add the refreshment crates to the game.
Supply crates may contain plans for the last levels of units or resources.