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My personal opinion on harvest land.

I installed harvest land in March of 2022 and I think it’s basically a normal mobile farming game everyone has played. There isn’t a lot u can do in the game but u can for example try to bake some bread or feed ur chickens something like that. Since the map u are playing on in the beginning isn’t so big it usually is boring. Until u start to play the game a lot and reach higher levels. When u begin to unlock bigger areas of the map the game starts to get exciting and tiring since u have to do so much with your fingers. And u can’t forget anything. There is a lot u can build and it doesn’t take a long time to build anything really it’s pretty quick. That’s what I love about harvest land it’s so quick. Everything in the game can be done extremely quickly that’s is why I love playing the game. I can just play for some minutes turn of and have big progress if doing this some times in the day. Or sometimes in night or at work or school.

Harvest land has got most of their players from ads and from other games. But most of the players registered on the app aren’t active and the game is on my opinion dead. Since no one plays it other then for cash and just for some days and then quitting. I know a lot of people only playing the game for money from websites. This is a huge problem it says there is a huge player count but there really isn’t that many people playing the game since everyone has quit. The game is dead but it’s still gets updates and it also gets a lot of events and other stuff. The currency in this game is called diamonds and u can buy it but u get it by not using it when u get it for free from the game.
there is a boat and this is where u sell ur stuff and other people have to buy it. There also comes a boat to ur farm sometimes and in the boat is items people are trying to sell. There is also a feature of a whale that can give u anything of you give it some money. And in the second area there is a casino.

When u start the game u start at level 1 and it is super easy to get to level 2. But after the tutorial u are level 4 it is really easy to level up from here u can easily in one day get to level 13. I myself have done this one time. This is also one of the things I like with harvest land that u can easily for free get up levels build thing fast and get progress. The main building i use the most are the bakery and the crops. I love using them and they are the one giving the most so so I level up faster. There are badges and these are important to use to level up after level 13. And a quick til try to find an easy way to do these because it help a lot. U can get gems and do from badges and nits smart to do them. I personally always try to find some easy ones or some hard long ones that I can do slowly. But the main reason I like to play harvest land is because of the graphics and the sounds if u like good sounds and hay day then u should definitely try out this game. U can’t really play with others that is the only downside of the game.

5.0 (1)
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