Review of the popular game Brawl Start
Mobile game Brawl Stars which is popular among mobile devices. The game is free, available in the Play Market, takes less than 1 GB. The game interface is very convenient both in the lobby and in battle. In the lobby, we can set up the game, invite friends, watch characters, select game modes, and make purchases. Once you have chosen a game mode, you can start the battle by pressing the "Finish" button. In a standard battle, there are only 6 players (But there are other modes where there are 10 players on the map), the battles go on for about 5 minutes. For victories give cups and tokens. The game has a huge online with which you can find new friends. To make purchases in the game you need game crystals (Gems) they can be obtained for a donat or for a Brawl Pass. A feature of the game is that everyone is measured by the number of cups and characters that are earned by labor, but right there with the help of a donation you can boost it all in a day and this makes it an advantage over other players who do not donate money to the game and do not get an advantage.

But the game draws in its interest for a long time and this gives interest to play and knock out new characters that you pump and become stronger. The game has good tech. Support that answers players' questions quickly and with quality, the game has good protection against players who do not play by the rules and use prohibited software, and also protection against theft of your personal data. This protection works so that you can log into your account from another device without fear of losing your account. This all boils down to the fact that the developers of the game are watching the players and trying to help. The game has frequent updates that players really like and because of this, the game still does not lose its popularity. The game has good mobile-friendly graphics and it supports almost any mobile device. In the game you need to think with your head and do the right things so as not to lose and not be dishonored. No matter what happens, you need to play as a team, help and save your comrades, and if possible, communicate with them!

The game also contains gadgets with which you become stronger. Each fighter (Brawler) has his own gadgets and strength, someone shoots with pistols, someone shoots with his fists. There is a star power that opens after level 9 of the fighter, but it must first be knocked out of Boxing. There are 3 types of boxes - Crate, Large Crate and of course the best Mega Crate from which the best items fall. There are also skins for fighters that you can buy or receive as a reward from the game developers. Skins are in high demand and popular among players as you will be the center of attention on the battlefield! There is a downside to this, they will try to kill you more often because you are too beautiful for the battlefield. Skins can be purchased with coins and star points. Star points can be obtained upon reaching a certain rank of a fighter (10,15,20,25,30,35) in different amounts. Star points can be used to purchase the Big Crate and Mega Crate on certain days of the game. In the game, maps and game modes change every time, and because of the game, it makes no sense to play. I recommend the game, interesting.