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Reviewing brawl stars my personal opinion

Brawl stars is an popular mobile game available on iOS and Android. The game has been popular since release and it’s made by a company called supercell. Supercell has made a lot of good games in the past and I think brawl stars is one of them now. First u start of with only some brawlers and u have to start brawling. It is very easy to begin with but as u get better it slowly starts to get harder. There is only some game modes and the most people u can be in one party is three. There is solo duo and trio in the game modes where it’s 50 50 to win. I usually like the brawl games when there are 9 more people around trying to win as you. They can get very intense and that’s what I love about the game. Honestly it’s pretty fun when you start to gain throphies and when u unlock new brawlers. It’s also fun to play with friends since u can play with 2 other people at the same time. There is also a clan feature like there is in clash of clans and clash Royale. In clans they have clan wars where u can get huge rewards that can help u unlock new brawlers and upgrade them.

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In brawl stars there are a lot of different brawlers and that’s what I love about the game. Supercell often releases new brawlers and new events. My personal favourite is bull since he has so much hp and he shoots good shots close range, I also like frank since he has so much up and his super is so good. Franks super stings people and u can attack them while they are shaking and they can’t move.

I personally haven’t gotten all the brawlers yet but I look forward to it. Everyone should definitely try out brawl stars since its so good. The game modes are always fun and u can enjoy the game whenever u want. Brawl stars even has its own leaderboard where pro players try to be the highest. There is also a leaderboard on every brawler in the game. In my opinion it’s pretty easy to get up to the level of nr 1 on the leaderboard so everyone should try to be nr 1. I personally never have been nr 1 but on some brawlers u only need 1100 throphies to be nr 1 in the world.

By playing this game you can get 100 Play

I like that u get brawlers from unboxing them since it’s fun getting new brawlers when your bored of all the old ones u already have used. It’s a good system they have since it’s impossible to get all the brawlers until they release a new brawler so u wil never be without hope of getting a brand new brawler. There is also a brawl pass that is a huge advantage and u can easily get advantages by just buying it. I don’t recommend buying it since u can do everything for free. Since there is a free pass it’s not worth buying brawl pass. Since u could just do the quest u get as soon as u get them and u would get pretty much the same speed as the brawl pass players. There are 10 different game modes, The thing about brawl stars is that the game modes u can play everyday switch so if u have 10 game modes u play one day. Some are different the next day. That’s why when u have quests to do on one of those game modes u have to do it as quickly as possible.

5.0 (1)
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