Conqueror's Blade - A Hidden Gem Among MMORPGs
Do you like tactical games?
Do you like MMORPGs?
Do you also like medieval settings?
Well, if you have said yes to all three of those questions, I have just the game for you! Conqueror's Blade is a game made in China, created by Booming Games and Booming Tech. In this game, you take the role of a warlord, who must strategize and adapt in battles in order to help your allies win. You can customize yourself to be anything, ranging from a samurai warlord to a knight. You can play in matches, fighting against other teams in a wide variety of game modes. Your character is able to lead a large army, which will help you achieve victory. Or, if you prefer being a lone wolf over being a leader, you can 1v1 other players. No matter how you like to play, there is always a way to have fun on this game. There are quests and tasks for you to complete, items to obtain, and areas to explore! You can also meet new people to battle, or make friends with.

The combat is definitely very melee based, however, there are also some ranged weapons (like muskets, longbows, and short bows). You can chain and follow-up certain attacks in order to combo your enemies into defeat! Or, if you're being overcrowded by a large amount of enemies, you can use artillery to wipe out your foes. No matter what the situation, there is always a way to win, as long as you can adapt to your surroundings. With a diverse selection of weaponry at your disposal, nothing will between you and your victory! Anything and everything can be countered, so make sure you play both defensively and aggressively when fighting. As long as you don't lose your temper or your focus, you will win! The combat in this game is quite, similar to the combat in For Honor, however, it is still unique. It is easy to learn, and is also very fun. However, just because it is easy to learn, does not mean it doesn't take any skill. While it's easy to learn, it is hard to master.

Overall, I would give this game an 8.5/10. It is very unique among it's own genre, and I have never played anything like it. It is not just your average MMO, which is just grueling hours of grinding and labor. This game rewards you for actually playing the game and having fun, making for a much more enjoyable experience over many other MMORPGs. The combat is also very easy to get a grasp of, meaning a newer player could beat even the most seasoned of players. I would recommend playing this game to anybody who likes to play games like For Honor and The Elder Scrolls Online. Even if you don't like games like that, this game is still very recommendable. While it is very fun to play on your own, it is even more fun to play with your friends! That is, if you have any. If you don't, this is also a great game to make some friends on. The community is amazing, and I have had no toxic experiences in my share of playing. While there may be a few bad eggs out there, those are in every community. Make sure you try this wonderful game out, you will not regret it!