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Counter Strike Global Offense : Stuff you should know

Just a guide for stuff you should know!

1. Overview
2. Game modes
3. Ranks
4. Weapons
5. Maps
6. Operations
7. Skins
8. Tips


You get ranks for winning/losing competitive ranks. Here they are!

Unranked (You need to win 10 matches to get ranked)
Silver I
Silver II
Silver III
Silver IV
Silver Elite
Silver Elite Master
Gold Nova I
Gold Nova II
Gold Nova III
Gold Nova Master
Master Guardian I
Master Guardian II
Master Guardian Elite
Distinguished Master Guardian
Legendary Eagle
Legendary Eagle Master
Supreme Master First Class
Global Elite


Weapons for T-side and CT-side


Pistols for T Pistols for CT

Glock-18 P2000
P250 USP-S
Desert Eagle Desert Eagle
Dual Berettas Dual Berettas
Tec-9 CZ75 Auto
CZ75 Auto R8 Revolver
R8 Revolver P250
By playing this game you can get 100 Play
⚔️Arms Race: Players start with certain weapons, and as they get kills they will progress through the sequence of weapons. 20 weapons total. Can not buy. Team leader (highest ranked player on your team) will automatically rank you up to the next weapon if you kill them. When you knife someone, you gain a level and they move back down a spot (so they will gain the weapon they had before). Last weapon is a golden knife. Doesn't affect rank.

⚔️Demolition: Kinda like competitive. Doesn't affect rank. Fast-paced, 20 rounds total. Every round you get a kill you will "level up" and will receive a new weapon. If you kill more than 1 person, you get an extra grenade :)

You can also play community servers by clicking "Play" and then "Browse community servers". There are also workshop maps which you can play! Simply hit "Subscribe" and relaunch CS:GO. Hit "Play" then you should see a tab which has all of your subscribed servers!


You get ranks for winning/losing competitive ranks. Here they are!

Unranked (You need to win 10 matches to get ranked)
Silver I
Silver II
Silver III
Silver IV
Silver Elite
Silver Elite Master
Gold Nova I
Gold Nova II
Gold Nova III
Gold Nova Master
Master Guardian I
Master Guardian II
Master Guardian Elite
Distinguished Master Guardian
Legendary Eagle
Legendary Eagle Master
Supreme Master First Class
Global Elite


Weapons for T-side and CT-side


Pistols for T Pistols for CT

Glock-18 P2000
P250 USP-S
Desert Eagle Desert Eagle
Dual Berettas Dual Berettas
Tec-9 CZ75 Auto
CZ75 Auto R8 Revolver
R8 Revolver P250
By playing this game you can get 100 Play
You can either have the Tec-9 or the CZ75 Auto on T-side, or the CZ75 Auto and the Five-Seven on CT-side, but not both. Same for the Desert Eagle and the R8. Same for the P2000 and the USP-S on CT-side

Heavy for T Heavy for CT

Nova Nova
XM1014 XM1014
Sawed-Off MAG-7
M249 M249
Negev Negev

Assault Rifles for T Assault Rifles for CT

Galil AR Famas
AK-47 M4A1-S
SSG 08 M4A4
SG 553 SSG 08
AWP SG 553

CT can either have M4A4 or M4A1-S.

Sub-machine guns for T Sub-machine guns for CT

MAC-10 MP9
UMP-45 UMP-45
PP-Bizon PP-Bizon
P90 P90

Gear for T Gear for CT

Kevlar vest Kevlar Vest
Kevlar + helmet Kevlar + helmet
Zeus x27 Zeus x27
C4 (you can't buy this) Defuse Kit (for defuse maps)
Rescue Kit (for hostage maps)

Grenades for T Grenades for CT

Molotov cocktail Incendiary grenade
Decoy grenade Decoy grenade
HE grenade HE grenade
Flashbang Flashbang
Smoke grenade Smoke grenade

For clarification, the molotov cocktail and the incendiary grenade are the exact same thing, with only different names and looks.


There are many maps in game!

Arms Race Maps: Baggage, Lake, Monastery, Safehouse, Shoots, St. Marc

Demolition Maps: Bank, Lake, Safehouse, Shortdust, Shorttrain, St. Marc, Sugarcane

Hostage Maps: Italy, Assault, Militia, Office

Reserve Maps: Aztec, Vertigo, Dust, Canals

Casual Maps: Cache, Cobblestone, Dust 2, Inferno, Mirage, Nuke, Overpass, Train

Competitive: All maps can be played here!

Thanks for reading!!!!
5.0 (1)
Author Fotbals
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