Battle Engineer in a nutshell
The Engineer is a defensive class which excels at area denial. Playing as an engineer requires you to do three things only. Those three things are:- To collect metal, build buildings, and maintain buildings. Doing this over and over again gets pretty boring. When playing as an engineer, you should always stay at your nest and cannot go to the front to show your skills. Playing as an engineer is very restricting. You should always be close to your buildings and it gets stale very soon. However, there is a way to play as an engineer aggressively. 'The battle engineer' is a subclass created by the team fortress 2 community referring to the engineers who like to play this class aggressively. You may be wondering how can a guy with 125 hitpoints and an old shotgun compete with others with miniguns and rocket launchers. It is pretty easy. To understand what is a battle engineer you need to understand their loadout. Just like most of the subclasses in the game, the battle engineer does not have many options to support this aggressive playstyle. Because of this, the battle engineer has a loadout that is specific to him only. This engineer subclass originated on July 8, 2010, in a patch in the Engineer update with the release of the gunslinger. Since we are talking about the gunslinger let's move on to his loadout.

As I told you before the battle engineer has a very specific loadout designed for the subclass. Their loadout consists of the frontier justice, the wrangler, and the gunslinger. The frontier justice and the gunslinger are the fundamentals of the battle engineer subclass but the secondary weapon is replaceable. You can replace the wrangler with the short circuit. Let's go through all of these weapons in detail. Firstly, there is frontier justice. This weapon gets two revenge crits for each sentry kill and one revenge crit for each sentry assist when your sentry is destroyed. These revenge crits can be stored up to a max of 35 revenge crits. When your sentry gets destroyed, you will start dealing critical damage with your shotgun. This weapon can deal 3-9 damage per pellet of the bullet. A critical hit deals 18 damage per pellet which is amazing. A mini crit can do up to 12 damage. Next, we have the wrangler. Considered to be the best engineer weapon by uncle dane, I can see why he says so. This weapon allows you to control your sentry gun. When you are manually controlling your sentry gun, the sentry gun will receive a 66% damage resistance buff. However, your sentry gun will be disabled for 3 seconds after being unwrangled. I think that sentry being disabled for 3 seconds isn't a big deal because it will still have the 66% damage reduction buff while disabled. Now let's talk about the gunslinger. The gunslinger is the most integral part of the battle engineer subclass. The gunslinger is a melee weapon that increases your health by 25 hitpoints, increases your sentry deploy speed, gives critical hits while punching three times in a row, and replaces the sentry gun with a mini sentry gun. You may think that how can a mini sentry be more useful than a normal sentry gun? Well, there are five reasons for this and they are:- you can focus on your other buildings, you can save metal, you can deploy them anywhere fast and also in between fights, you can be more aggressive, and you can deal more damage while saving more time. These mini sentries can get killed and when destroyed can give you revenge crits for your frontier justice. That's it for his loadout, but don't forget that you can change the secondary weapon to your liking.

Let's talk about some battle engineer strategies. Personally, when I go battle engineer, I go frontier justice, short circuit, and the gunslinger. I always look ahead and when I see an enemy coming near, I go out of their sight, place a mini sentry and then jump at ‘‘em with the shotgun. As a battle engineer, you should always put down a mini sentry before entering a fight. Sometimes placing the mini sentry before entering the fight will lead to the fight ending before it even starts. The kills you get from the sentry can be stored for revenge crits. The normal sentry gun costs 130 metal while the mini sentry costs 100 metal only. On top of that, it takes almost 500 metal to level up the sentry gun to the max level. The mini sentry can provide more value offensively for one-fifth of the price of a normal sentry gun. The wrangler pairs well with mini sentry guns because they have very low health. The increased damage resistance with a longer range makes the mini sentry indestructible. While the battle engineer is supposed to be offensive, the wrangler also supports a defensive playstyle. That's it for the battle engineer, if you want to master this class then there is no better place to recommend than uncle dane's youtube channel. Best of luck with playing the battle engineer. Thank you and have a very good day.