Crafting in Team Fortress 2
Team Fortress 2 is a pretty strange game. It is also quite large because of the sheer amount of unlockables, cosmetics, and maps inside the game. That's not even all of it since there is so much much more in this game. Because of this, Valve, who are the developers of team fortress 2 thought of a system that can help players get the exact unlockable they want. You may think that they gave away items freely. Instead, they did something that is not so common for multiplayer games. They added the crafting system. This crafting isn't the crafting from something like Skyrim. Crafting was a system that changed the whole game. The crafting system was introduced on December 17, 2009. It was introduced with the WAR! update. This is not that hard to understand. We have a lot of things to talk about so let's dive right in. The first thing that you need to craft is metal. There are three types of metal. They are scrap metal, reclaimed metal, and refined metal. Lets explain all of thes three metals in order. Here it goes.

Metal is the first thing that you need for crafting. They are also used for trading. These are used as currencies in many team fortress 2-item trading websites. When I am writing this, one refined metal is worth around forty cents in First, let's talk about scrap metal. Scrap metal is the first kind of metal. Scrap metal can be acquired by smelting two weapons that are used by the same class. Scrap metal doesn't have much value but it can still be used for crafting a few items. If you find no use for it then you can change it to reclaimed metal. Reclaimed metal is the second type of metal. This is valued more than scrap metal. It is also used for crafting more items than scrap metal. You need three scrap metals to craft one reclaimed metal. This means you need a total of six items to get reclaimed metal. After this, there is refined metal. This is the last and final type of metal. Refined metal can be crafted by combining three reclaimed metals. That is a total of eighteen weapons, which is a lot. This is the most valuable type of metal. This is used to craft a few items and all the cosmetics.

We have talked about the metals, now it's time for the class tokens and the slot tokens. These tokens are quite valuable. The class tokens are used to craft a weapon, item, or cosmetic for a certain class. These class tokens can be crafted by smelting three weapons used by the same class. For example, if I smelt the Tomislav, Natascha, and the brass beast, then I will get a heavy class token. Using the class token to craft an item will allow you to craft a random item for that particular class. Then, there is the slot token. The slot token can be crafted by smelting three weapons of the same slot. There are three types of slot tokens and they are the primary token, the secondary token, and the melee token. These are the same as the class tokens. The only difference is that you use them for a particular slot and not classes. These tokens can be used to craft both class and slot tokens. To be honest, there is much more to crafting than this. There are things like blueprints which are available to premium players only. These things deserve a separate topic of their own. For now, that's it for crafting, So thank you and have a very good day.