How 2 heavy(beginners guide)
Heavy is the biggest and heaviest class in the game. If you love heavy I understand your feelings. Who wouldn't like picking up a class that has the highest health pool as well as a huge minigun? For all the players who like mowing down enemies with constant firepower then heavy is the best option to pick. Heavy is classified as a defensive class by the game. But just because he is classified as a defensive class doesn't mean that he cannot be offensive. Heavy is classified as a defensive class because he excels at area denial. He has a minigun which can finish off enemies in a few seconds. His minigun has one of the highest DPS in the game up close. Heavy has the biggest health pool in the game with 300 as his default health. However, heavy can reach up to 450 health when he is overhealed. Since he has such a high DPS and health pool the developers have counteracted this. Heavy while being the most durable is also the slowest class in the game. Heavy is one of the easiest classes to pick up and play in team fortress 2. You will need a good track aiming experience to be good with heavies minigun. As a heavy your main way to help your team is denial. Heavy has a minigun which can do astounding amounts of damage. Nobody will want to get hit with heavies minigun. If someone dares to come close, however, then they will be mowed down by one of the highest DPS in the game.

Heavy's default loadout consists of a minigun, a shotgun and his bare fists. Talking about his primary minigun, it has a good balance between damage and mobility. It has one of the highest DPS in the game. At the point blank range, it can deal more than 300 damage per second. The minigun is quite inaccurate from a long distance and the bullet's damage drops off by a significant amount. Because of this, I wouldn't suggest taking long-range battles with other classes who are better than you in long-range combat. In my opinion, there is no need to replace this gun with any of its alternatives. If you still plan on using an alternative then I would recommend the Tomislav which has a silent killer perk and is 20% more accurate. Talking about his secondary, the shotgun is undeniably the least used weapon in the game after his melee. The extraordinary amount of DPS that you can get from the minigun is just a lot better than the shotgun. The only use of the shotgun is when you are out of ammo. There are good replacements for this weapon as well. The two which I recommend the most are the sandwich and the panic attack. The sandvich is an item that when used will recharge 300 points of health in a matter of 4 seconds. Keep in mind however that you are vulnerable while inside the animation of eating the sandvich. It is called sandvich and not a sandwich because that's what it is described as in team fortress 2. The other secondary which I recommended was the panic attack. A panic attack is my recommendation because it is faster to deploy, shoots more pellets and shoots in a fixed shot pattern. If you still don't understand then the picture down below should help you. Now let's talk about heavy's melee. Heavy's melee is his bare fists. They deal a decent amount of damage and are decent overall but I would recommend replacing it. The best replacement according to me is the fists of steel. These give you a 40% damage reduction to all ranged attacks while receiving more damage from melee attacks. I think it is a very fair deal. That's it for heavy's loadout, nothing complicated at all.

Now, let's talk about things to be mindful of while playing as heavy. Heavy is the slowest class in the game and can not chase any other class. Heavy is supposed to be a tank that takes all the damage by himself to protect the rest of the team. If you think heavy is only made for the frontlines then you are wrong. Heavy is one of the best classes for defending a place. As a heavy, you should not let puny scouts get in your face. Scouts have shotguns which deal extraordinary damage up close. It is very hard to hit them when they are up close because they are the fastest class in the game and they can strafe around to dodge your bullets. Sniper is the best counter to a heavy so when you are playing as a heavy try to be as far as possible from a sniper's sightlines. A fully charged sniper headshot can kill you even when you are overhealed. As a heavy, you should always rev up your gun before shooting directly. This is done by pressing the Alt-fire button. Revving up your minigun gives you more accuracy and higher damage output. Revving up behind a corner and catching your enemies off guard is the best thing to do as a heavy.
Also, be aware of any medics around you. Heavy is amazing when paired with a medic. Well, there's more to him than this but this should be enough to help you out while starting. That's it for heavy, have a very good day.