Playing offensively with pyro
Pyro is one of the most versatile classes in the game. Pyro can defend, attack, and flank. He also has other playstyles that are supported by his loadout. If you picked pyro as your main then you most likely prefer an aggressive playstyle. If that is what you want then look no further than the offensive pyro. Offensive pyro is one of the subclasses for the class pyro. The game already categorizes pyro as an offensive class. Today let's learn how to furthermore enhance this playstyle to be more effective against the enemy team. Firstly, I want to clarify that this playstyle is much harder than you think. You can't W+M1 every single match. You need to care about how you play. Pyro needs to compete with other classes like Demoman, scout, soldiers, and heavy while being offensive. All of these classes are very dangerous and they are mostly found near the frontlines. You will also have to deal with sentry guns. There will also be enemy snipers who will target you from a safe distance. It will be very hard to deal with those snipers without something to use for long-range combat. For now, lets jump straight into the loadout.

The loadout is very important for every subclass because that is what determines how the subclass is played. Let's see what loadouts fit this playstyle. The first loadout, which I also use personally includes Dragons fury as the primary, Scorch shot as the secondary, and the axtinguisher as the melee option. The dragon's fury is good at close range if you have good aim. If you hit a burning enemy with the dragon's fury then you will deal 300% more damage to your enemies. This means that the dragon's fury can finish most of the classes in the game within two or three consecutive shots. To give 300% damage you can use your scorch shot to light enemies on fire and then use the dragon's fury. Lastly, the axtinguisher is just for a melee because it deals a considerably good amount of damage. It is one of the better melee options available for pyro. The second loadout consists of the phlogistinator as the primary, the flare gun as the secondary, and the power jack melee. The phlogistinator has a meter that you have to fill. This meter can be called the critical meter. This is filled by dealing damage. Once it is filled, you can press the alt-fire button to deal critical damage for a few seconds. The flare gun also has a guaranteed critical shot. If you shoot an already burning enemy with the flare gun then you can deal about three times the damage. The power jack is a very good melee option because it helps to move much faster. You can use this to get close and deal critical damage to the phlogistinator.

We know what an offensive pyro is, and we also know about the loadout that fits this kind of playstyle. Now, it's time to talk about some things that you should know when playing as an offensive pyro. When you play as an offensive pyro always have a good option for long-range fights. Both the loadouts that I mentioned had a long-range option. Just like that two loadouts, you should have a long-range option in any loadout that you may have customized. Long-range weapons will help you to deal damage to enemy sentry guns and enemy snipers. The next thing is positioning. You may think that, why does offensive pyro require good positioning? Positioning is essential for every class in the game. The name of an offensive pyro may sound like a subclass which is centred around capturing objectives or pushing the payload. The offensive pyro focuses on holding choke points and dealing heaps of damage in both close and long range. Playing on a map that has many chokepoints and doorways will greatly support this kind of playstyle. At last, I will just like to say that try to engage in close-range fights and don't mess with snipers. Also, try try to prioritize other attacking classes like a scout, heavy, Demoman, and enemy soldiers. That's it for today thank you and have a good day.