my review of desert operation game
There are different types of buildings we can create example like Military building,Manufacturing building etc.
There are many types of units like ground unit,air unit,water unit.They have different strengths and penetration capabilities.
Bank is where we save our money for use in future upgradation of our country.The bank is the building where you save your income. With transferring the income on your bank account you earn Interest. This is very useful, because as more money is on the saving, the more money you have in the bank, the more money you get as interest.The Interest is depending on the amount of Gold and Oil which is circulating in the commerce of the previous day.

The game Desert operation is on many servers and many languages. On most servers Looki have upgraded the trade so that you can not buy at a low price and then sell at high prices. But NOT in the Swedish server, this means that new players are cheating and are being boosted by the older players with plenty in the bank. In this way, the new players have as much money as the players who played in maybe a year but not cheated.When I spend my hard earned money on a game such as this I expect thst that money is secureed by reasonable support efforts and to be treated fairly and equally to stay compettive within the game itself. When support fails the money that I have spent on the game is taken away through damages incured when the players I am competing with get an unfair advantage over me by getting specials that I do not get.