Unturned: How to - Not Turn
Unturned doesn't have a good piece of graphics and it might look like minecraft or roblox.

You need to run away from zombies or fight them because they can be a real pain in the butt and they can infect you and kill you. So you need a weapon, food, clothes, and medicine.
If you want some weapons, try to look around towns, they can be found in homes, restaurants, and gun shops. Food can be found around houses, restaurants, and shops.
Clothes can be found everywhere in towns, but only in buildings.
Medicine can be found in hospitals and you can scrap your clothes into bandages and they can be upgraded!
There is a premium thing that you can buy so you have more things to use.
I cannot explain everything to you by just typing all this stuff, but if you can understand all of this then thank you very much.
Killing the zombies isn't that hard but... there is actually a big zombie, a big boss zombie that can kill you by just slapping you in the head...

As you can see the zombies are basically the people of the houses they live in ,like you couldn't have guessed it.
What you need to do in Unturned is basically survive and not TURN. HAHAHAHA FUNNIEST STUFF YOU HAVE EVERY HEARD, no.
If you need any help. Look at some youtube videos to get you started and being more fun than reading, just look if you need help because there is not a lot of things to tell you if there is no video to intrests you. I'm sorry.
Hope you have enjoyed this Guide on starting the game and hope all this writing will help you.
This Guide may not be helpful but i still hope it can get you a better understanding of the fun game you are playing right now!!!!
You can build houses and make a lot of fun stuff.