The great world of the 12
This great game called Dofus was practically your life since you had to work to get kamas, the Kamas was the monetary system of the game and that was achieved through the effort made by you. One of the most fruitful work at that time was to be a baker and fisherman. Currently, the most popular work is the baker but does not generate much income, the alchemist work at the moment is the best paid since the pockets of collectors, prisms to conquer the area are expensive.

This great game features many races both male and female. They have a number of characters that you will never get bored playing. It has an extensive amount of missions that many are complicated to do but not impossible.
The characters are based on elements that are wisdom, earth, intelligence, air, and water. These abilities will define your character of an element and you will have to make the dress of that element so that you can win many PVP or PVMpvm fights. In the game, there are 2 types of alignments that are brakmar and bonta. The brakmarios mean practically hell and those of bontas mean the sky.

As time passed the game was declining when the population of players, due to all the extreme modifications that made the game. Many players were annoyed and decided to leave the game definitive although this game sometimes you will return at least to greet and give it a return.
This game is totally free for some areas of the map. To explore more than 80% of the map you have to pay a deposit so that you can enjoy all the areas.
Council reviews guides on how to arm a character since the game is extremely complete and so you will adapt to the monsters and other characters
Cheer up, play Dofus and explore the world of 12.