Call of a war - an rpg elite game
I have never seen a competitive game on the 22-player map last longer than 60 days, and in fact, most of them were over in 35 to 45 days. That said, it is not unusual for games played on the larger 50- and 100-player maps to continue for 90 or more days, and in some cases, for several months.
However it's a good game in concept but you need patience because of bugs related to building things and money. Every bug results in losing resources which reveals the other big flaw - you must spend real money to do well. I gave up after playing for three days. The bugs are too frustrating
ell this was unexpected, so I must say a happy surprise greeting to you all! Loving Life? Losing liberty? Leading ludicrously lengthy lunch lines lately? Lazy lecherous Lords living luxurious lifestyles, likely looted lesser locals, leaving lovely livable locations looking like large litter laced landfill lumps. Luckily, lots left lying long, level lower later. But I digress. I've played Call of War since its 2015 beginning. I'm way old school at 64 and have been playing and designing war games for 50 years. Bytro has many different ones but I only liked the few 'historical' games they had. The old 25 player WW2 world map was my favorite, despite the hour long wait between battles.

It wasn't completely accurate in many things but knowing WW2 history well, I judged it close enough. Recently though, those in charge must have gotten their medicines mixed up. They took that game out and replaced it with a travesty that they have the temerity to call 'historical' It has been reduced as correctly stated before, to a slightly modified 'game of 'RISK' with the ludicrous reasoning of finding game balance between historical accuracy and what they call 'game experience' What ever the hell they mean by that is beyond me, for no one in Hamburg has ever given me a clear explanation. They have many other non historical games where everyone starts out equal, so it wasn't necessary to butcher their best game, but they did anyway. Winning by accumulating differing points assigned to cities and provinces that reflected their importance, majorly dictated player;s strategy as it does in real wars. It looks like they have been too close and too long next to 5G towers, because now the richest and most valuable ones are worth nothing and all cities in the world are now worth the same. Berlin for example used to be worth 25 points, which I thought should be higher, and thatched, dirt floor huts dominating the villages and towns of undeveloped areas in the world usually worth from 2 to 4 points which I thought should be lower are now ridiculously worth 10 points as are all the great cities. So much for historical accuracy. They must have all gone WOKE and are planning to start toppling statues over, so they aren't called racists for not giving historically weak countries bigger armies and stripping powerful ones of theirs. The only things they did do properly was double the games speed and lowered their carriers to a reasonable. strength. Ah nuts! I didn't realize the time and must go to work. There is so much more I would like to say and will try when I have more time, and none of it is good. Later skaters.

It's hard enough to play with the stamina in order to win it, but when you finally do, they stiff you on the reward because of lack of player inactivity, when the AI takes control anyways!!! This game is a fraud! Seriously disgruntled gamer...
I'm way old school at 64 and have been playing and designing war games for 50 years. Bytro has many different ones but I only liked the few 'historical' games they had. The old 25 player WW2 world map was my favorite, despite the hour long wait between battles.
Game is good but is pay for win because you need to use "gold" bars to get more resources, reduced production, building, research time. You can earn gold bars by gaining achievement but it takes a lot of time. I stop playing this game because is getting boring with always same maps, mode and gold spenders who has more units and resources in day 1 by using they credit cards buying gold bars.
Great game, BUT it is based strictly off money. If you play and don't pay you will loose. The more of your hard eared money you spend the more likely you will win. Congratulations you paid to win! Some people I know have spent hundreds to win one game......GOOD LUCK!!