How does it work?
Eternal Edge +
5.0 1 227 0

What the first 25 minutes of Eternal Edge were like for me

I clicked on the game because I was curious to see what it was about. I made my account a week ago, and I have only been using Bananatic for a few days. This was the first game that piqued my interest, and I am glad I clicked on it.

The game's narration provided an interesting story about a man and his wife, Evelyn. The man, cross, is trying to wake her up from her eternal slumber. He dreams of defeating the Skeleton King, a cruel lord of the undead. Without Evelyn, the Skeleton King will destroy everything.

Cross is the main character of the game and comes with a set of dialogue options. I enjoy how this can lead to him snarking it up with the person he's talking to. I also enjoy how steadfast he is in his goals. In spite of the danger that he faces, he continues to push through, all to return Evelyn. It is

The story's focus on classic RPG elements is a welcome bonus to the gameplay. It helps complement the hack-and-slash vibe of the main character. I am not usually a fan of these games, because I have not played enough of them. In spite of this, I think this game might make me interested in actually picking up other AARPs.

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What stuck out to me was our first combat scene. It was a tutorial within what I presume is the Skeleton King's domain. I love the combat feeling the most in this game. I enjoyed the heavy impact sounds you heal from the sword when it's swung.

My only issue with the gameplay is that it feels like the camera is too fast. When you are playing the game, you use your finger to move the mousepad in the direction your character is looking. I sometimes move the camera and it causes my character to look down. However, I am sure that there is a way to rectify this in the settings.

I am sad that we never got to fully battle the Skeleton King. However, I can understand wanting to tease viewers with a later battle for him. As it turns out, the scene is actually a nightmare that Cross is having. When he awakens, another man sends him on a quest that officially starts his journey.

I also like how this game enables us to use other kinds of weapons. So far, I have got the pumpkin bomb, the Falconet Revolver, and the spear. They are a set of interesting trinkets that give gameplay more character, and give you more options to use in combat.

By playing this game you can get 100 Play

The outside world is a beauty to look at. It was so hard not to get lost in exploring the map. The sound effects only help make the game feel more real. The Kingdom of Beor looked so fun to play around with.

Once you have gotten to a certain point east of the house, you are approached by Pearce. Pearce provides you with another narration focused on helping you get items. In addition, he gives you a quest to attain eternal essence. When you find the essence, it is located in a chest within a castle-like area.

This is also where I battled against a large skeletal monster. It killed me once, but I managed to overcome it and the pumpkin minions. I think it is cool how the game's world can throw monsters like this at you for fun. Once you get the essence, you will return to Pearce. Pearce will send you off to go find Astra, within the Highest High Towers.

This is the point that I left off from in my gameplay. However, I intend to return and play the game to the fullest. I look forward to seeing the story continue in Eternal Edge +. If you are crazy about AARPGs, then I recommend you check it out for yourself.

5.0 (1)
Author MilesOneTime
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