League of legends: An unmissable experience
The game is played from a third person point of view where players typically control their character using QWER and the mouse. The game uses this unique playstyle to create an intense and immersive experience that had me playing up until 2:00 am on most nights without boredom for a whole YEAR.

The game uses level and skill based matchmaking processes to create relatively even(ish) and fun matches. Most matches will last for around 7 - 40 minutes regardless of the mode and will end when one team destroys the enemy's base or surrenders.
The game features many modes of play including:
- Classic, where 10 players are placed into a 5v5 deathmatch where the players can select characters the objective is to destroy the enemy teams base.
- ARAM, a similar game to the classic mode but on a different
- Play Vs AI/Computer, where players will be placed with together in a match vs AI/Computer controlled bots
- Ranked/Competitive, Classic mode but where you will receive a rank at the end.
The possible ranks being in ascending order:
- Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master and Challenger.
-And finally one other special mode that will occur in a rotation every 2 weeks with there being about 5 special modes in total however only one will occur at a time.
Along with the games many modes it also features many unlockable characters which can be obtained by collecting in game currency, which is in turn obtained by playing games. There are also many skins and customisations which all cost the premium currency which must be paid for. There are over 130 characters and 20 of them will always be free to play in a rotation style much like the special game modes. Each character is completely individual and has their own playstyle and abilities. Along with the customisations and characters the game features a loot-box system much alike Overwatch where players are able to obtain some free skins and customisations via performing exceptionally in games.

I will always enjoy League and would recommend it to any gamer looking for a new experience and a heap of fun.
I rate League of Legends 8.75/10
Verdict: A must play but very in
Sentence: More addictive than Pringles and twice as unhealthy for you.