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Fortnite battle royal review

If you clicked on this you. Wanted to read my review on fortnite so basically fortnite is your average battle royal 100 player game it's fun and there is a lot to say about this game so I guess let's get into it so we have the gameplay it's pretty fun there is solo duo trio and squads you can play with friends or with random people I recommend you play with friends because you are guaranteed to have a good time playing this game and you will absolutely love playing it like I do so if your not convinced yet I still got more things to say up my sleeve to say about this wonderful game there is voice chat which is mostly how you communicate with your friends or the random dude eating chips on his couch there is 2 voice chat options there's open Mic which everybody in the chat can always hear you or there's an option that you press a button to speak I recommend this option if you don't want everyone to hear you doing whatever your doing you won't need voice chat if your playing solo game

By playing this game you can get 100 Play

So in this section we are gonna be talking about seasons the season's are when a skin is added or the map changes or an awesome event happens ingame this always gets people excited even new items get added! This also another reason you should play fortnite you never know what's gonna happen in your gameplay even what events will happen it's always a mystery and a surprise I have always enjoyed this game and I will never stop playing it. The seasons are always so fun and they add cool skins like for example they added Naruto to the game and other Naruto characters to the game of course to access most of these you need money for vbucks or you can buy the battle pass which is basically a bundle when you level up you are able to get rewards there's a free one and the paid one every season in the free battle pass you get 100 free vbucks if you just grind the season's you should have enough for a skin also another thing skins and pickaxes do not give in game boosts these are just here to look cool.

By playing this game you can get 100 Play

In this section I will be talking about game mechanic so basically when you start a game you are on the battle bus or plane (just like every battle royal game) when you get off you have to land on a place and gather items before others get it there are guns and grenade and rocket launchers and they can have different colours like mythical legendary rare common uncommon and the mythical are really good I almost forgot a really important mechanic there's also building you break material like trees and walls to make ramps walls and floor every professional uses these to block the targets bullets or to not be standing in the open and get shot building with a lot of practice can get you to high ground faster you can also edit builds to access places easier you can make doors to get through a wall and you can make a window to shoot your target easier and quickly close it to avoid getting sniped because that's not really fun. There are quests that can help you level up easier and I'd you win a game you can get awesome prizes like pickaxes and umbrellas so this concludes the review this game is a 10/10 thanks for reading.

5.0 (1)
Author notsmg3
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