Is H1Z1: King of the Kill the best battle royale experience?

This game also features a ranking system, making it so competitive players can have their fun.
Before I begin speaking about the game, it is very important to note that the rest of this article will be based on opinion.
When I first started playing this game, it was very, very frustrating. The gas would often appear out of nowhere, other players were always well hidden, and I would never make it to first. These obstacles aren't easy to pass, but once you do, H1Z1: King of the Kill becomes one of the most enjoyable games I have personally ever played.
The graphics aren't too good, but that hasn't had an effect on my gaming experience so far.

- Different modes (solo, duos, and fives)
- The map is very realistic, with torn down towns and large fields
- All guns and the game itself is very balanced.
Bad things about the game:
- The map glitches a lot, normally it is not too bad, but sometimes it ruins the game.
- Sometimes the crouch gets stuck, and you cannot start sprinting from the crouch position
- It lacks weapons and vehicles, it could use more content
Considering all the pros and cons of the game, this game is worth it. It costs $29.99 on Steam, and it deserves every cent you pay. This is one of the games which you can pay for hours without getting bored or frustrated.
Conclusion: I do not believe it is the best battle royale game, but for the price you pay, it is a really great game.
Thank you for reading my review!