There are Better Alternatives Out There
This game is exactly like any other ‘build up empire, then destroy others’. There are no special side deals on it, no campaign or anything. It is literally just another finish the tutorial, build your castle and then destroy everyone around you with your alliance kind of game. Honestly, I think the 6/10 rating given by Steam was a little generous, you know, I think I would rate Clash of Clans higher then this waste of your time. I’ve played other game like this, Boom Beach, Grepolis, and obviously Clash of Clans. They all have their place, but this…this just adds nothing to gaming as a whole. When I feel like I had found everything to this I was on like Level 6 I think.

For many people though, including me, graphics is the most important thing to a video game. Although it has its place, a good storyline or the amount of playability is the most important thing. In this category I would have to give a 3/10. Yep, I know, that’s harsh, but that’s just the way it is. Most of the mechanics built into the game are either all discovered and get boring or only unlocked near the end where you will never get to because you’re so bored of playing tutorial quests to level you’re account up.

Anyway, I think you’ve gotten the gist by now that there are much better alternatives to this game out there. Even though it is an available download on Steam, I think if you were forced to play this game save your computer space and just play it on browser. I doubt there would be too much of a difference anyway.