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League of Legends
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How to get started League Of Legends.

Hello, i'll be teach you how to play/ get started on league of legends.

First of all, you will need to make an account, follow my simple instructions.
Go to and click on the 'Play Now' button it will take you to the sign-up.
There you have to put in your email, you'll have to choose a username and password, it will also ask you for your D.O.B, you will then see 'Region' there will be a blue word saying 'change' you need to change it based on where you live, if you live in Europe (Itay, France, Russia: eg) you will choose EUW and if you live in North America, you will choose NA and so on.

After that, you have to agree with the Terms and conditions and receive email from riot (that can be optional) and after ALL of that, you press 'Create My Account'.
If there is a 'I'm not a robot' box, you might have to click the box and do the puzzle that it gives you, if not, that's good you can go on to actually downloading league of legends now.
By playing this game you can get 100 Play
When you've pressed the 'Create My Account' button it will take you to the downloading screen where you'll how to press the button that says 'Download the Game' and then you'll have to open it and wait for it to install then launch it (the download might take a while depending on how fast you're mac or pc is, also if you are using a mac there could be a button saying 'download mac installer' you can press that or just press the download button, either way it should work.

When you get onto the loading screen, you will have to have login where it says 'username' and 'password' and then you will have to, again, change the 'region/language' based on where you live and you can press the 'remember me' button so you won't have to always type your username in. After you've done all that, you're ready to start playing league of legends, getting excited? I did when i downloaded it.
When you press sign in, it will take you to the league of legends lobby where you'll have to choose an in-game username and you choose a summoner icon (to change the way your account looks) since you start at level 1, you need to press 'Play' it will then take you to a lot of options, you will need to press 'CO-OP VS AL' those are bots for new players, you will go against real players when you get better at league.
You then choose out of the two maps 'Summoners Rift' or 'Twisted Treeline' and you will then press 'intro' or 'begginer' (DON'T CHOOSE INTERMEDIATE) that will be to hard for you.
After you clicked intro or begginer, you will need to choose a character then lock in, and you're ready to go into battle, OR you can click on training, lol.
By playing this game you can get 100 Play
You will then be sent into a loading screen, and you will see who/what your enemy champions are, you will have to wait until everyones connected, after you will then be in-game, you will have to choose between the letters Q, W or E, which are your abilities, every champions is different.
Then you choose a lane, there is top, mid, and bottom, one or two go top, one goes mid and two go bottom, in a professional there is a lane called jungle, but we aren't going to go into that.
You will have to walk to that lane, then you will see enemies, that is the time to start fighting, you will need to kill the minions and try and kill the enemies, when u kill them u get gold, if u die, you die and you will respawn, don't worry. If you have low health and lots of gold, press b and you will be going back to base, press p and you can buy items to make you're champion more powerful, your and yours goal is to get many kills and destroy the enemies turrets, inhibiter (little crystal) and to win the game, you will need to destroy the nexus (the large crystal) after that you get ip which is league of legends currency and you can waste it on new champs and other things in the shop, if you waste real life money on the game, you get riot points which you can use to buy skins, skins make your champion look different, you can do LOTS more thing with RP, you can look at that stuff by yourself, that's all from me, I hope this helped you get started on league and I wish you all good luck, and i'll see you on the rift. -Unnamed character (me) out.
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