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New fiddlesticks rework

It's basically the same Fiddlesticks, but he looks so much scary. His spells is upgraded, and looks cool. I love his new W, and passive Q. Also he has now useful passive, and its like control ward. Best looking new Fiddle skins are fiddle me tibers and dark candy. So his Q is basically the same Q , but now has a passive . When he is not seen before pressing it, he terrifies everyone in his range. You can reed it like when he comes with R from bush, everyone is cc-ed and its amazing. His W now hits multiple targets, but it deals less damage.His E is new spell, now you have to cast it, it is skillshot, and he will be silencing only one target. His R is the same, but deals more damage. :)

Also, his voice sounds really creepy now.

This is what Riot is saying about new fiddle :

''one of my favorite things about the #fiddlesticksrework is how excited and happy he sounds to see Evelynn. like he may be a mindless demonic manifestation of fear, but he still sees Evelynn, of all people, as a friend''

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I was going to twitter and here is something people said about new Fiddle:

''Im really gonna miss old fiddy boy and his bouncy crows. But at least he'll be much better :'D''

''Swain is definitely not happy about this new demon in his demon club''

''One of my favorite things about the #fiddlesticksrework is how excited and happy he sounds to see Evelynn. like he may be a mindless demonic manifestation of fear, but he still sees Evelynn, of all people, as a friend''

And here is some reddit posts about new fiddle :

''While I empathise with old fid the way he is now, I'm glad it's likely his E and W are changing. It's a rework so I expect his whole kit to get reworked, as it definitely won't be the same for that comes out''.

''I don't like how the new design isn't really derpy or cute anymore. I mean, yeah he's scary, but he's also just a clumsy scarecrow. I get it. It just detracts from my favorite feature of Fiddlesticks.''

''I’m excited. The best parts of his kit are staying, and the clunkier parts are going. Also since they’re trying to make him THE “fear-based champion” if I can jump scare people in league it’s a huge success.''

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Also, check out league youtubers, they made already bunch of videos on new fiddle. You can check Bunnyfufuu, he was playing fiddle in all roles, with all different builds (including crittlesticks) . So, before i stop typing, stay safe, and play league my friends.

Also there is a video on riot's official youtube that represents fiddlesticks and everything what you need to know about him. There is videos of new skins, and every skill with new skins, so you can check that out. Before Fiddlesticks they reworked so many champions, and my favorite one so far is Galio. My least favorite one is Pantheon because he is basically the same ''I am an early monster that becomes minion later into the game champion''. Next in line to be reworked is Volibear and Quinn. So Quinn will be getting a role finally. I hope the reworks will be the same as fiddlesticks and galio, so we can enjoy playing them.

Before I stop this article be sure to check Fiddlesticks on pbe, and show me what you think. GG summoners.

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