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Game review of Clash of Clans

What is Clash of Clans all about?

Clash of clans has lots to offer for a mobile game. It is a strategic game about base defense and attack. You will build your own village, with lots of buildings, towers, resources and many more. This game can increase your strategic approach on games specially when you are on a higher level of townhall. You can invite your friends to play with you and build your own clans to fight other clans.

You have to build a village with a strong defense so you can save all your resources that is needed to upgrade your buildings, towers, and most especially your Town hall. The town hall is the heart of your village. The higher your townhall level, the higher the level for the other buildings to be upgraded.

Strategic plans for your defense will be enhance playing this game. Not only that but will also enhance your strategic plans on attacking villages in clan wars.
There's a lot of features that this game can offer. Worth your time to download this app and introduce to your friends.

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Is Clash of Clans better than any other strategic game?

Conflict of Clans doesn't roll out any emotional improvements to the methodology equation, yet it makes barely enough refinements to recover the class' habit-forming components. Players are on a natural treadmill, fabricating a base and assaulting others, however the presentation of the multiplayer component and the capacity to see precisely how your protections were survived (fights happen autonomous of the ongoing interaction you see) let you gain from your errors. Also, for players who would prefer not to partake in player-versus-player battle, there's a solid performance crusade.

The game gives players a satisfactory measure of assets to begin, in any case, to truly assemble a force to be reckoned with, they'll eventually have to depend on in-application buys (or be very fortunate in fights). This free application likewise has been one of the top-netting applications, such countless clients do select to buy diamonds with genuine cash. The AI of your soldiers is baffling, however. (They'll plunder a structure and be apparently ignorant that they're being terminated upon.) Also, the time it takes for structures and moves up to be finished can get disappointing. Generally speaking, however, this is a fine decision for technique fans.

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What is clan wars?

You're here on the grounds that you need to begin a Clan War, correct? Fantastic! It's quick, frantic and loaded up with Clashy activity! This post is your manual for having the opportunity to grasps with this magnificent game mode and ensuring you prep, clash...and win!

Basically, Clan Wars is an epically marvelous way for two Clans to clash in full scale war! Family Wars can go from 5v5 as far as possible up to 50v50 conflicts! There are two stages in a Clan War: Preparation Day and Battle Day. Every Clan part has two assaults during Battle Day.


It's Clan Wars Preparation Day, Chief! You have 23 hours and you're going to require them! This is it! Set up your protections, accumulate data on the foe and begin arranging your assaults! The clock is ticking, so get preparing!


You have a smart thought of the qualities and shortcomings of the foe Clan. You're fit as a fiddle, however could you be more grounded? All things considered, relax


Recall when we said you had 23 hours in Preparation Day? Indeed, when you're not caught up with giving soldiers and spurring your Clan Mates, you ought to consider the foe's bases!


Is your base prepared for the fight to come? Obviously it is. Yet, is it prepared for WAR? You just have Preparation Day to change your base design, so ensure it's upgraded for Clan Wars.

5. Methodology WILL ALWAYS REIGN!

This is the piece where you choose how you need to battle, Chief. What's more, there are in excess of a couple of approaches to do it. Get talking with your Clan Mates to examine assault methodologies, test your militaries and sharpen your assaults in Friendly Challenges and remember to look at all the assault instructional exercises on Youtube.

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