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How to Gibarch in town hall 8?

Hello, everyone. I am back again to join you on your clash of clans journey. Today I will talk about an attack strategy that works with almost every town hall. This strategy is not that effective for trophy pushing in the higher town hall levels but it might be good for farming resources. This strategy is called the Gibarch, also known as giants, barbarians, and archers. These three are the main troops that you are going to use for this attack aside from maybe a few wall-breakers and clan castle troops. I am also guiding this attack in the perspective of a town hall 8 player. This attack strategy will work with an town hall level though. Now I train my army in the following way: 15 giants, 4 wall breakers, 60 archers, and 57 barabarians. So this takes 200 housing space which is also the max housing space for town hall 8. Your town hall level might be different. Let me tell you the housing space for all troops. One giants takes 5 housing space, One Archer takes a single housing space, One Barbarian also takes a single housing space, and One wall-breaker takes 2 housing space.

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Now, it's time for the spells. The spells are also dependent on your town hall level. You might want to change the spells if you are in a higher town hall. The amount of spells that you can take and the level of the spell makes a big difference as well. Before I start, the points that are listed below are based totally on the army that I mentioned above. Now, let's start. Giants are huge and tanky troops that are used as tanks. The giant does not even have a quarter of health compared to other tanks like pekka and golem, but what makes the giant special is it's housing space. Giant only takes five housing which is very low compared to pekka which takes twent-five housing space and golem which takes 30 housing space. This means that you can train 40 giants in town hall 8. Since giants can soak up some damage it's better to deploy them first. Use four earthquakes to open up some compartments by breaking the walls. Then send an archer near the clan castle. If there are any clan castle troops then they will come out and kill you archer.

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If there are any clan castle troops, pull them to the corner of the base poison them and surround them with archers. If your enemy does not have clan castle troops or if you have taken care of them then Spread a line of giants around the base. All the defences will lock onto your giants. After that use two wall-breakers on one side and two wall-breakers on the opposite side behind the Giants. Giants will go insidde the base towards the defences. Spread a line of barabarians on each side of the base behind the giants and then spread a line of archers behind the barbarians on every side of the base as well. If you didn't use the poison spell previously on the clan castle troops then us them on the enemy barbarian king or the skeleton traps. Use your heal spell on the giants. If you think you might time fail or your troops might die then use your reinforcements. I think that's it for Gibarch. Keep in mind that the strategy is not a strategy for trophy pushing but for farming but it still can help to three star bases in town hall 8. Thank you and have a good day.

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