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How to GoWiPe in town hall 8?

Hello, everyone. I am back again to join you on your clash of clans journey. Today I will talk about another attack strategy for town hall 8 just like how I discussed about GoVaHo previously. That strategy is GoWiPe, also known as golems, wizards, and pekkas. While these three are the main troops that remain in your attack, these are not the only troops you will use. Now what you use is your preference as you have very less housing space after training the rest of the army as always. Keep in mind that you might not be able to use many more troops aside from these 3 because it might actually take up all he housing space. Now I train my army in the following way: 2 Golems, 4 pekkas, 8 wizards, and 4 wall-breakers. So this takes up a total of 200 housing space which is also the max housing space for town hall 8. Let me tell you the housing space for all troops. One golem takes 30 housing space, One pekka takes 25 housing space, One wall-breaker takes 2 housing space, and lastly one wizard takes 4 housing space.

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Now, it's time for the spells. The spells are also dependent on your preference but I still prefer the following spells: 4 Earthquakes spells, 1 heal spell, and 1 poison spell. One earthquake spell takes up one housing space, one heal spell takes two housing space, and a poison spell takes up one spell. This takes a total of 7 housing space which also the max for housing spells in town hall 8 for spells. Now let's talk about something that we didn't talk about previously for GoVaHo. I didn't mention this because it was not important. I just forgot sbout it. I am talking about clan castle troops/reinforcements. Now, these are not that important if you are good at attacking. However, you might find yourself attacking higher town hall levels which take more then your normal leveled troops to three-star. In town hall 8 you can take troops worth 25 housing space and a single housing space spell. Personally I recommend a pekka which is also worth 25 housing space and a haste spell to make sure you don't time-fail. If you want to you can aldo bring a dragon worth 20 housing space and a balloon worth 5 housing space. Once you choose what you want to pick up with you as reinforcements, now it's time to attack. Remeber though I am assuming that you are training your troops just like I said.

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So, I might have already talked about this previously but, Golems are tanky troops. They will soak up the damage from the defences while other troops attack the buildings. Golems despite being big and tanky are very slow and do very low damage. They are also useful for disarming traps to save your other troops with low hitpoints. Once you deploy the golem, let the traps disarm and the defences lock onto the golem. Then drop three of your wizards and 2 of your wall-breakers behind the golem. Yep, GoVaHo and GoWiPe start out very similarly. Also drop a pekka behind the golem. If you see any enemy clan castle troops, use you poison spell and let the wizards take care of them. Now, once the first walk breaks use all 4 earthquakes in a place where there are a lot of compartments. On the other side of the base, drop a golem and then two wizards and two wall-breakers. Also drop a pekka and the barbarian king. Drop a pekka and two wizards behind it in the corners of the base. From corner I don't really mean literally in the corner. I mean outside the walls in the corners. Once the troops coming from both sides reach the center and are low on health, use your heal spell instantly. After this you just wait and watch. In case that you might time fail, use the clan castle troops and if you have any haste spell as a clan castle spell, the use it. I really think that should be it. Good luck and have a good day.

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