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How to rush in clash of clans

Rushing is a strategy used to get to higher town halls faster without focusing on buildings like your defenses. Rushing is usually done by players to unlock new troops, spells, and siege machines to donate to their clan. Rushing is not advised to do if it is your first time playing the game as it takes away a lot of fun from the game and you miss a few key aspects of the game. It is also not advised to do on your primary country and should be done on your secondary account which you don't care much about. If you have decided to rush then this is how you do it. Prioritize resource-gathering buildings such as Gold Mines and Elixir Collectors. These will help you build up your resources quickly so you can upgrade your Town Hall and other buildings. Also, prioritize your storage as they will help you to store more resources. Don't forget to upgrade your clan castle too. This gives you access to more donated troops from your clan. Along with this offense focused buildings like army camps, barracks, laboratories, and spell factories should also be upgraded.

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Train a lot of low-level troops, such as Barbarians and Archers, and use them to attack other players. These troops are cheap and quick to train, so you can build up an army quickly. Also, level up all of your troops while you are upgrading other buildings as you don't need builders to level up your troops. Look for players who have not yet fully developed their base. These players will be easier to attack and will have less defense. Focus on saving your gems so that you can get more builders while you are progressing. Try to get the third builder by town hall 5 and your fourth builder by town hall 8 or 9. Your fifth builder should be unlocked by town hall 11 or 12. Use the "Lightning Spell" to destroy the most important defense structures of the base like the Mortars and the Wizard Tower, this will help you to reduce the damage taken by your troops. Experiment with different attack strategies. Try different combinations of troops and spells to find what works best for you. Spells like rage will work the best.

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Don't rush to high level town hall, as you will face more difficult opponents and will require more resources to upgrade your army and defenses. Also stay on the lower leagues as you will have to deal with less skilled players. Always be on the lookout for opportunities to attack and upgrade your base. Rushing in Clash of Clans requires a lot of patience and consistency. Rushing may be quite fast but I don't really recommend doing it because most of the time you won't be selected by your clan leader in clan wars and you will have to sacrifice your trophies for the mst time which takes out a lot of fun from the game. A rushed base also doesn't look very good because of the under-leveled buildings in that base. I only advise rushing your base if you are experimenting yourself and wantto help your friends or if your friends or clanmates advice you to do so. Remember, rushing may not be the best strategy for everyone, and the most important thing is to have fun playing the game! Hope you progress our base faster and thank you and have a good day.

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