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How to use the GoHo in town hall 9?

Hello, everyone. I am back again to join you on your clash of clans journey. Today I will talk about an attack strategy for town hall 9. That strategy is GoWiPe, also known as golems, wizards, and pekkas. While these two are the important par of this attack, you will focus more on forming a kill-squad with your heroes and clan-castle troops instead of attacking with golems and hogs only. Golems and hogs are not the only troops that remain in your attack, there are more troops for clean-up and funneling. Now what you use is your preference as you have very less housing space after training the rest of the army as always. Now I train my army in the following way: 2 golems worth 60 housing space, 2 archers worth two housing space, 2 minions worth 4 housing space, 21 hog riders worth 105 housing space, 10 wizards worth 40 housing space, and 4 wall-breakers worth 8 housing space, and a single goblin also worth 1 housing space. So this takes up a total of 220 housing space which is also the max housing space for town hall 9. Now the following are the spells you need for this attack: 2 Heal spells worth four housing space, One rage spell worth two housing space, One jump spell worth two housing space and one poison spells worth one housing space which brings up a total of 9 housing space for spells. For clan castle troops I would recommend a third golem, bowler's or a pekka.

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You begin by setting a funnel in the left and right hand side of the base so that your killsquad can go through the center of ge base. If there are defences on the outside of the base such as mortars, you may wish to take those out so that your golem's don't redirect. Most popular troop to set the funnel are wizards. You can deploy them before the golems if they are free from defences. It might save some hitpoints for your golems. You could use the golems to tank the wizards as the funnel is set and then redirect to the center of your base to protect your killsquad. You will use wall-breakers on the outside then deploying your heroes and clan castle troops to form your killsquad. Clan castle troops could be a third golem, bowlers or a pekka. With wall-breakers on the outside it makes sense to use a jump spell depper into the base so you can get acess through it. A rage spell is also good in this area to help you power into the center alongside your poison for the clan castle troops.

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A rage spell is also good in this area to help you power into the center alongside your poison for the clan castle troops. The idea is you want to take out the core of the base, this provides pathing for hog riders, takes out the clan castle troops and enemy heroes with the queen being the priority. But with that funnel set for hog-riders being the defence targetting troop they can move around the outside of the base. You want to deploy them as you heroesare tanking so thry are not taking much damage. It's also good practice to get into to save onto some hog-riders so that you can snipe outside defences and keep your main pack of hog-riders moving through the middle. It just means that you are more efficent and you can better utilize your heal spell. You want to use heal spells on area of splash primarily or anywhere that is filled with defences. Finally, clean-up troops shpuld be deployed early. Take not of builder hut's in the corner and as soon as your hog rider's have taken out the defences in the area, be sure to deploy your wizards. There's no traps that could affect them because the hog-rider's have set them off.

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