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Review on DOTA 2

This review will mainly consist of the fact on Heroes and Gameplay of the DOTA 2 world, which I generally think that are the most important aspects in the game. I personally think it is a great game for a Free to Play, but also can be frustrating and bounce back hard if you don't practice enough.
This game is a fantastic way to start a such a genre like this, but it can be difficult to play due to the player matchup being unbalanced when finding a match. Personally, it was really frustrating when a really experienced player with 2000 hours on DOTA 2 played against us when I only just started out and made me want to uninstall the game. Although, to overcome this problem you could befriend someone with experience and they could "coach" you whilst playing a game. This is a brilliant mechanic for new players that are starting out.
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Starting off with the Heroes shown on the Radiant and Dire factions in the game, there are a variant amount of characters (fantasy) that are used from a range of Support (e.g. Crystal Maiden), Carry (e.g. Phantom Assassin), and somewhere in the Middle. This is great because it provides players to not play just 1 character, but 111 characters, which makes it less boring and more playable for hours on end. This provides a great groundwork with a basis of stats of the heroes ranged from 111 characters that provide different Strength, Agility and Intelligence stats that could make heroes more favourable than others, which then leads on to the regular updates to "buff" or "nerf" the so-called "overpowered" characters that encourage gamers to play other characters to broaden their skills and experience to the game.
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Gameplay as well has been proven to be very well during matching. The basis of the three-time instances during the game being Early Game where you "farm" to receive gold and experience for 10-20 minutes; Mid Game where you "farm" for a little while and then start to kill the opposite team members to gain more gold and experience; and finally, Late Game where everyone is geared up and ready to fight and win. This would be an average game of 40 minutes, which can be quite long for some people.
The Choices that you make during these games can change the entire game forever and you could lose for it such as a kill or be dying too much. This gathers a level of intensity for players making the game much more exciting.
Overall, I definitely recommend this game due to the fact its free, you can play for hours on end and the variant number of characters that are provided for players.
5.0 (1)
Author McFreeman
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