A Guide to Speed Running Minecraft
What do I need to know about speedrunning Minecraft?
Since to introduction of the Ender Dragon in Minecraft Beta meant that Minecraft received an official ending. This lead to many people competing to try and complete Minecraft as fast as possible.
However, there are many different categories that a speedrun can go under. In Minecraft, a speedrun can be categorized as:
- Any% Glitchless Set Seed
- Any% Glitchless Random Seed
- Any% Set Seed
- Any% Random Seed
- All Achievements / Advancement
Any% Glitchless (Set Seed or Random Seed)
This means that you have to get to the End and kill the Ender Dragon as fast as possible in Survival without using any glitches like duplicating items. Random seed and Set Seed just mean if you randomly generated a seed (Random Seed) or if you use a word seed you already know (Set Seed)
Any% (Set Seed or Random Seed)
This means that you have to get to the End and kill the Ender Dragon as fast as possible in Survival but you get to use any glitch you want. And what Random seed and Set Seed mean is the same as above.
All Achievements / Advancement
This means that you have to complete all the Achievements / Advancement in Minecraft in the fastest possible time.
In this Guide, however, I'm going to show you / guide you on how to speed run Minecraft Any% Glitchless.

The Ocean Strategy
This strategy is good for if you spawn by the ocean (hence the name) as it relies on shipwreck treasure and underwater magma pools. To do this strategy you must quickly gather 6 pieces of wood and turn them into wooden planks. You then must craft a crafting table and then use it to make the following:
- A door (It will make 3 and these will be used as air pocket underwater)
- A boat
- 2 sets of sticks (so 8 sticks)
You must then get into the boat (Don't forget the crafting table) and search for a shipwreck ( 3rd person mode is good for this). Once you find a shipwreck search for the chest onboard (using the doors as air pockets) and find a chest full of Iron, Gold and sometimes Diamond. If you don't find it then get back into your boat and carry on looking for more shipwrecks. But if you do then use the iron to make a bucket (most important) and armour/ weapon with leftovers (but remember to save one iron to make a flint and steel, also very important), then go and mine some gravel at the bottom of the seabed to get some flint and make a flint and steel.
After you have all the tools, get back into your boat and start looking for an underwater magma ravine. This is like a normal ravine but it's underwater and has magma at the bottom. When you find it, swim to the bottom and under the magma, you will find lava which can be used to make a Nether portal. After making the Nether portal go into the Nether and find the Nether Fortress where you will find some blazes and kill them to get blaze rods (at least 12) to make blaze powder for the eye of ender. Then find the Warped Forest (The "blue" forest) and kill some Enderman or trade with some Piglins for some Enderpearls (at least 12). After doing all this craft some Eye of Ender and use them to get to the Stronghold, then find the portal room to get to the End. Then kill the Enderdragon, easy.

The Village Strategy
This strategy is good If you spawn near a village, and this is also one of the most used strategies. To do this strategy you must spawn in and find a village there you might find a blacksmith were you will find iron. But if you don't find blacksmith you will most probably find an iron golem. This you can kill for 3-5 iron bars, however, they are strong and can one-shot you so gets some wood and make a sword or axe and build 3 high this means that you can hit the iron golem but it cannot hit you. After getting the iron make a bucket and get some beds found in the village (these will be used to quickly kill the Enderdragon) After this you must get some water and find a lava pool. Here you will make a Nether portal.
After making the Nether portal go into the Nether and find the Nether Fortress where you will find some blazes and kill them to get blaze rods (at least 12) to make blaze powder for the eye of ender. Then find the Warped Forest (The "blue" forest) and kill some Enderman or trade with some Piglins for some Enderpearls (at least 12). After doing all this craft some Eye of Ender and use them to get to the Stronghold, then find the portal room to get to the End.
When in the End go to the bedrock "fountain" and wait for the Enderdragon to go above it. Then place the bed on the "fountain" and use them to damage the Enderdragon (as bed blow up in the Nether), if you need any help with this, here's a tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eBIFNIlJqU&feature=emb_logo
And that how you Speedrun Minecraft, thank you and I look forward to seeing you on the speedrunner leaderboard on Speedrun.com