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Day One - Minecraft Madness - Survival for beginners

Ok guys!

So this is an article for the newbies out there looking to start a world in Minecraft survival mode. I've been there. The dread as you select to keep mobs on.

I have therefor put down a few things that might help you on your first day in your world.

The first few moments are key guys.

1. Get to trees and collect wood - Go, go, go

So you can never have too much wood. It really is one the main building blocks of mine craft and when you start, you realise that tools are a must straight away, and you need wood to make the tools.

It also kind of satisfying to start clearing a space that you might eventually call your own.

2. Build a crafting table and drop it right there next to you

Crafting tables are your best friend. In my world I make multiple ones and have them where ever I am. If I am underground mining I have one with me. If I am in the trees, I have one with me. You will quickly work out the importance of this little box.

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3. Fight the urge to build a dirt house

Ok when everything in you is telling you to build a dirt box and hide in it please just don't. Now I'm not saying that you wont die if you follow this advice, but there are so many other things you need to be doing at this point other then faffing with dirt.

4. Craft planks

This is basically the gold dust of the world at this point, planks mean prizes. Everything you build pretty much comes from planks.

5. Craft a wooden pickaxe

Get going with this. You have little hope of mining anything with this vital piece of equipment, so get to as soon as you can.

6. Dig for cobble stone.

Look around you. Normally you can find cobble stone pretty close by, but if not just dig down, there is normally some just beneath your feet.

7. Craft a furnace

Not only does this give you some welcome light, it also gives you charcoal, a quick stand in for coal when you need to make some torches. Take a look at point 8.

8. put in planks below and wood on top to get some charcoal

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9. craft sticks and charcoal to make some torches (The dark is not your friend)

You will find yourself making loads of torches throughout the game to ward of mobs spawning and for when you start venturing underground. (Guides on caves coming soon)

10. Now break your craft bench and furnace and find a big hill to build a little hole into for a makeshift home

put torches on the walls and close up the gap when it gets dark.

11. Don't forget to mark your base. I was forever losing my base when I first starting playing. Do this however you want, but if you decided on a very high dirt tower like me, think about how you are going to get down.

This may just take you to the close of day one, but if you do have a little more time listen out for those fluffy sheep you need three wool and wood for a bed. Get a bed and you can keep day time on so a big bonus.

I hope this article helps a little.

More coming soon.



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Author Tangelo_Eagle
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