How to valkyrie in season 12
If you like high kill games, soaring to the skies and fast-paced action that doesn't stop all game long then look no further than the season 9 new legend valkyrie. Valkyrie fits a unique role in the meta of Apex Legends and brings a type of playstyle that we really have not seen before in a new legend. I am back with another guide to get you on your way to mastering valkyrie. First up valkyrie's passive abilities. She has three main things going for her. First up she is recon class legend due to her ability to scan survey beacons to know the location of the upcoming ring. Her second passive are Vtol jets which allow her to soar in the air for a limited time with full control on movement. However her Vtol gets consume fuel and take a bit to fully recharge and also she can not shoot while in the air. At last her third passive is that she can detect enemies in her line of sight when dropping from the air ship or while using her ultimate. Her Vtol jets are mostly used from all three of her passive.

Her tactical ability is the missile swarm it is the only action available during the use of her of her Vtol jets. The missile swarm is pretty much what it exactly sounds like. It shoots a swarm of twelve missiles at you enemies and has a 30 second cooldown timer. The swarm will go more or less on a straight line or in a slight arc from her position and you should take care of using it in a enclosed are as it can damage and stun yoursef if you donot have enough headroom. This swarm is best uesd when already flying with valkyries jets. The range of this swarm is anywhere near from minimum 10 meters away to maximum 100 meters away. The damage from this swarm is modest and does a small 25 damage for an initial hit and then an additional 3 or so damage from each missile that hits. For the most part you will be able to do 30 to 35 damage from the single use of this swarm. It is just like a free arc star every 30 seconds that is kind of more hard to dodge. This can also be used while using the vtol jets to drastically lessen the fuel consumption.

Her ultimate is the skyward dive. This ultimate has a 120 second charge time and the skyward dive allows both valkyrie and her teammates to redeploy to the skies. After activating this ability there is a brief three second charge up. Once fully charged the player has the option to boost to the air or either cancel the ultimate. Once cancelled the ultimate will be reset to 76% charge of the ability. When in the charge up position the ultimate can be cancelled by getting shot or taking any kind if damage. Now time for quick tips for valkyrie. A valkyrie soaring high in the air can be a easy target for enemies so always fly low specially on open areas as it is much easier for enemy player to detect you. Another tip is that Similar to horizons gravity lift valkyrie can avoid the damage from ground based ultimates. Using her tactical on longer ranges ma not be as effective as the missiles take longerto reach as it will be hard to capitalize on the stun effect and it will be easier for the enemies to escape it as it gives a visual cue and audial cue.