Information about next season
Recently we got a gameplay trailer for the gameplay trailer of the new limited yime game mode control,new sabotaged olympus and also the new legend to the game mad maggie.Today I am going to break down the gameplay trailer for you.First let's talk about the new map change to olympus.It is hinted that olympus is going to come in map rotation this season.The change to the map is very game changing.Previously olympus used to be in air but due to duerdo silva who is the father of octane and the head of silva pharmaseudicals has sabotaged olympus because of some problems with mad maggie.The change to the map is that now olympus has fell down from air and is stuck somewhere between skyscrapers.Now some objects have fell to olympus and some tall buildings have been upside down.This may not only be a change to specific area of the map but it may be a slight change to the whole map.So,now we should learn this new map in order to dominate ranked in next season.This is why I call this change an gaming changing update.

So as we have talked about the map changes to olympus now let's talk about the brand new limited time mode Control.In the gameplay trailer we saw that this is also because of silva pharmaseudicals.In this limited time mode we as we are not a three player group but instead we are a nine player team and other good news is that we all can coose any legend.Before this we could only have an specific legend in a team.Now we can have whole nine caustics,seer or just any legend in a team.This game is more about controlling a checkpoint instead of killing and "Dying is just a speedbump."That's what she said.In this game mode we can't buy weapons but instead we need to select from ready made loadouts.The big problem is that it is a limited time mode so we can't enjoy this forever and it also has an scorboard so......But let's talk about the new legend mad maggie.Let's talk about her.First and foremost this legend's name is not mad maggie at all.I mean I am not sure about that though but we it is leaked that her name maybe husaria.But still I can't confirm if her name is mad maggie or husaria.

Now,let's talk about her abilities.First and foremost her passive ability.But you maybe little angry with respawn because for the third consecutive time they have again made a new scanning legend.Look's like respawn is running out of idea's.Her passive is the warlord's ire which allows her to temporarily highlight enemie's you have damaged and also move faster with a shotgun.The abiloty to move faster with shotgun makes up for an aggresive nature and she is just my type.But I am sadly a seer and valk main so I don't want to leave them.Moving onto her tactical it is said to be riot drill which kindof like breach charge from Rainbow six siege.This allows her to fire a drill that burn's her enemies behind obstacles.This help's her to push enemies outside of cover and also t farm damage.It is very similar to valkyire and fuses tactical but just more usable inside of buildings.Her ultimate is said to be the wrecking ball which is a ball that releases speed bosst pads and detonates near enemies.And in the gameplay trailer we saw that it is just a bit like beyblade.This is powerful because it allows for faster push into enemies.I hope this ability has a short cooldown because this doesn't look like that appealing to me.That's all we know from the gameplay trailer.We may see gibby rework or cypto buff this season.So that's it bye.