Brief review of CRSED: F.O.A.D the undisputedly quirkiest Battle Royale on the market (Read if you are a newbie)
Of all the Battle Royale options on the market at the moment, CRSED: F.O.A.D is probably the funniest military themed option there is to play although it has changed a lot in past years, it has still retained this uniqueness which makes it worth to play if not for competitive aspect then at least for fun and intriguing aspects of the game.
- Extreme variety of characters to choose from; the variety goes from being able to choose typical anime girl characters to super macho tribal characters who shouts ooga booga when get's hit to typical military styled characters who just look like typical general or soldier or just some character like Clyde who a knock off of a Wolverine abilities and looks wise.
You start with 2 free characters while other 6 are only playable through free week rotation or unlocking them with in game premium currency. It's important to note that each character has unique character ability to them and that characters Aztec and Viking can be unlocked through completing in-game tasks.
- The variety of over the top pickups for a BR game is another unique thing about the game, you can go from having a jetpack and cruising around the map like in some sci-fi movie or you can use flamethrower and put anyone (even yourself) to crispy corpses in a 1-2 sec Time To Kill or just shoot a bazooka in a firefight.
- The seemingly random rituals that you can perform; from being able to use ritual chants (that appear as an item you have to click on to activate) that work as map wide buffs or de-buffs to every living player.
The reason why I label them as seemingly random is due to their seemingly random use cases, cause you can go from giving typical map wide movement-speed-buff on the map and flat reducing recoils to opening random portals that work as passages from one part of map to another and just music chants that don't do anything of note but just play music. There's also a brown note ritual that you can use to teleport at any toilet location in the world map, and it's cheap to use only for 10 souls. The souls are like mana points for these ritual abilities and you can gain them through killing other players but you also spawn with fixed amount of them depending on which character you play as. The funniest ritual in my opinion is Ritual of Trembling hands that gives everyone 300% more recoil, the increase is so insane that you can't help but laugh when you shoot.
- You can gamble for additional equipment with money pickups called Aztec coins by clicking on otherwise randomly placed gambling machine slots around the map where you have the option to even hit the jackpot and earn extra coins, but usually you play for chance of getting extra bombs, weapons, armor etc.
It's a convenient way of getting rare and stronger parts of equipment for just spending coins you otherwise pickup throughout early looting parts of the game.
- Quirky & funny artifact + equipment combinations that can transform you into an expert in certain playstyle niche.
For example picking up Hermes knee pads with oxygen tank can make run 2x longer than otherwise and make you much better at closing the gap especially if using SMG. There's also combinations like Hermes knee pads with Seven league boots that make you very dodgy and rabbit-like in combat and you can be very annoying to play against, jumping all over the place. If you use full armor lv3 equipment you can combine it with picking up artifact like IV bag and Cuban cigar where you get self-healing and maximum possible HP transforming you basically into a juggernaut
Funniest combo is probably using Seven league boots combined with oxygen tank where you can jump infinitely at no stamina loss and it's great for running away or catching up the circle in case you are late. There's also artifact like Nimbus protection that renders you immune to first 2 levels of zone damage and if you combine it with IV bag with self-healing you can be immune to damage from first 3 circles even.

For a Battle Royale type game CRSED: F.O.A.D has incredibly high amount of weapons here are some of them
Melee Weapons
- Knife (your starting with it)
- Axe
- Striking flashlight
- Machete
- Viking hammer
- Uberpan (Every match only three of them spawn on a map)
- TT
- Walther P38
- Luger
- Mauser C96
- Colt Walker
- m1911 Colt
- Beretta M38
- Thompson M1921AC
- M1A1 Thompson
- M3 Submachine
- MP 18
- MP 35
- MP 40
- PPD 34/38
- PPD 40
- Sten MK2
- HK UMP45
- MP 5 (Orbital fridge, tactical fridge)
Assault Rifles
- Steyr AUG
- M4A1
- AKM (Can mount scope)
- STG 44
- AVS 36 (Semi-auto) (Comes with only one magazine)
- Gewehr 41 (Semi-auto)
- Gewehr 43 (Semi-auto)
- SVT 40 (Semi-auto)
- M1 Garand (Semi-auto)
- M1 Carbine (Semi-auto)
- Lee Einfield
- Johnson (can't mount scopes)
- m1903 Springfield
- Mosin
- Kar98k
Machine Guns / LMGs
- DP27
- MG42
- Browning M1918
- FG-42 ( can have scope)
Niche type guns / pick-ups
- PzB 39
- Panzershreck
- Bazooka
- Flare Gun (Can craft it, or gamble it)

- You can climb and vault so you don't have to look for main entrances with doors and you can enter buildings through windows and you can also climb on roofs to get elevated position.
- Try to combine having long range gun and short range guns in your inventory, for example try always having 1 SMG combined with AR or semi-auto rifle or SMG with a sniper rifle.
- Even though it's a BR game, smoke grenades and flares are quite useless and just take up inventory space, ignore using them or picking them up.
- Don't bother looting houses that already have opened doors, it's a waste of time, only do it if you are really desperate for some stuff.
- Try to abuse 3rd person view as much as possible, especially when you are holding a building or strong defensive position, use the edges of the 3rd person view to gather as much information as possible.
- On most maps, there's areas on them that have higher % of getting rarer loot so when you play try to remember those and try to run to them if you spawn close.
- If you want to camp inside buildings, don't forget to close the doors to make it look like it's unvisited and vacant for surprise effect.
- When someone uses a ritual you can see where they are exactly located on the map for short duration.
- The zone shrinking speed is dependent on how much distanced the edge of the shrinking border is to the next circle, the further it is the faster it will shrink so be aware of this.
- Use your souls ( they are like mana points, you get them when you kill someone) when you can cause dying without spending any is a waste, you can use them on rituals and traps, don't forget this.
- Drawn weapons and character bodies can clip through walls, doors and windows so enemy can spot you through wall in case you are standing to close to it, be aware of this.
- You can cook your grenades by holding the grenade throwing button.
- There's wide variety of traps and if you put them in good spot some of them can instantly kill enemy without you doing anything, keep this in mind if you get any.
Good luck